I’m pretty excited to share with you how you too can get more energy and lose weight!

For the longest time I kept gaining weight no matter what I did…

Felt like a whale when I took my shirt off…

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After trying all kinds of diets and exercise I was ready to give up, but I’m so glad I decided to keep learning and trying different things…

I found that the most effective way to lose weight is to improve your gut health…

Once I found this and got to work I got my energy back and got lean & toned…

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I was so excited, that I started sharing my method on this blog and others started to see the same results…

More energy success stories started popping up!

People started sharing their weight loss success stories!

We’re just getting started and we want you to be our next weight loss success story…

Here’s a success story interview with Cindy where she shares how she was able to lose weight by improving her gut health…

How to become the next weight loss success story

The reason why improving your gut health is so effective to lose weight is because that’s the root cause of your weight gain to begin with…

Here’s how it works…

Your gut health depends on the type of gut flora that lives in your gut…

Ideally you want to have primarily probiotics living in your gut…

In order for probiotics to grow and be healthy, you need a clean environment that helps them thrive…

What happens to many people is that they consume foods that create a toxic environment… or they neglect their hydration levels which also creates an environment for bad gut flora to grow…

Probiotics digest food and make key nutrients, vitamins, hormones and produce energy for your body… that’s why they are considered friendly yeast and bacteria…

Bad gut flora is considered bad because they don’t make vitamins for you… they inhibit hormone production and balance… and they create toxins when they digest the food you eat… they are the reason why you feel tired all the time and have a hard time losing weight…

Your body has a fixed amount of fat cells… if you are gaining weight, you are not producing more fat cells… instead what happens is that your fat cells expand as they get filled with toxins…

This is why a lot people struggle to lose weight no matter what diet they try or how little they eat… it’s because you are feeding bad gut flora even if you eat healthy…

When you clean up your gut, remove bad gut flora, and focus on growing healthy probiotics then you too will start to experience more energy and lose weight…

Improving your gut health is simple… you are literally looking to clean up your gut…

Have you ever done a gut cleanse?

The easiest way to get started is to improve your hydration levels…

best thyroid support supplement for weight loss

Hydration helps you digest food… if you don’t hydrate, you start to experience gas, bloating and constipation… this means that the food you are eating is essentially rotting and creating a toxic environment in your gut which is what gives growth to bad gut flora…

Bad gut flora will start to create food sensitivities, allergic reactions, and it’s what kickstarts all autoimmune conditions… probiotics (good bacteria) don’t attack the body… bad gut flora does…

In my case, I got to a point where my body broke out in hives…

When the body is too busy fighting off bad gut flora it stops producing energy… and it’s why you feel tired all the time…

When you start cleaning up your gut and growing healthy probiotics, you’ll notice your sleep improve, no more brain fog… you’ll start to get your life back…

The first step we recommend is to look into your diet first and foremost… what creates a toxic gut is poor food choices so there’s almost no point in doing a gut cleanse if you continue eating bad foods…

Once you make those changes, and improve your hydration, you’ll find you’ll need a little help depending on how toxic your gut is… I personally use this gut cleanser and is one of the products I recommend that has really helped me lose weight…

Many people try taking probiotics for Hashimoto’s… while our focus is on growing probiotics, we understand that taking probiotics doesn’t work if you have a toxic environment in your gut…

A better approach is to clean your gut and eat right which will improve your gut flora without the need to take probiotics…

Want us to help you get more energy and lose weight?

Join our Facebook group and download our Energy & Fat Loss Blueprint to learn how to get more energy and lose weight…

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