I personally love the concept of a keto diet, but I don’t personally follow a strict keto diet…

I do believe that healthy fats are an important part of your diet because you need them for hormone production…

Carbs are also important for hormone production, which is why I don’t follow a strict keto diet…

Good news is that you don’t have to be strict keto to lose weight…

Instead you can take the parts of a keto diet that help you with weight loss and start applying them to your diet…

Before going on keto it’s important to note if you have the ability to digest fat properly…

Why do I feel tired on keto?

When I first started my journey, I had a hard time digesting food… especially protein and fat… I’d get gas, bloating and constipation… kept gaining weight no matter what…

best thyroid supplement for hypothyroidism

I tried all kinds of diets and none of them worked to lose weight… not even keto… I felt tired when eating a strict keto diet…

What I found was that my body wasn’t able to digest fat properly… so it wasn’t so much that keto didn’t work, it was that I needed to fix my fat metabolism…

Once I improved my fat digestion, everything changed…

I got my energy back and was able to lose weight…

juicing for hypothyroidism and weight loss

Keto can only help you if you have the ability to digest fat properly…

This is a big clue as to what’s going on with most people who feel tired all the time and can’t lose weight no matter what…

The best thing I did was to improve my gut health so that I could digest food properly…

Your gut health depends on the environment and type of gut flora that lives in your gut…

If your gut is clean, then you’ll have primarily probiotics that digest food and turn it into vitamins and hormones which your body uses to produce energy…

If your gut is toxic, then you’ll start growing bad gut flora (yeast overgrowth, mold, parasites, etc.), which steal nutrients from your food and produce toxic waste…

The toxic waste produced by bad gut flora ends up in the fat cells of your body… your body has a fixed amount of fat cells. That means you don’t gain weight by getting more fat cells. You gain weight by filling up your fat cells with toxins…

As your fat cells become more and more toxic, you start to lose the ability to digest fat…

Going on a keto diet will help you get rid of toxins from your body, but there’s a caveat… those toxins will drain your energy… if you already feel low energy, then you may feel even more drained if you go straight keto…

Keto then becomes a great tool to test your fat metabolism… how good is your body at getting energy from fats?

That’s why the best way to lose weight is by focusing on growing healthy gut flora because they are the ones who digest food for you, produce hormones and energy for you…

How to lose weight with hypothyroidism

When you clean up your gut to get rid of bad gut flora and grow healthy probiotics, losing weight becomes almost effortless…

Here’s how to improve your gut health…

#1 stay hydrated

Most people I talk to don’t drink enough water… the few who do drink water, drink toxic water (tap water ran through a filter, plastic bottle water, etc.)

The goal is to clean your gut and you can only clean it with clean water…

There’s a second component to drinking good water… water should have minerals…

The most ideal scenario is to drink water out of a clean spring which is naturally clean and mineralized…

If you don’t live near a spring, then start out with reverse osmosis water (clean water) and add minerals…

#2 Get good sleep

I wish I could get good sleep Jorge, but I toss and turn all night

Me too… I used to have a hard time falling and staying asleep…

If you can’t get good sleep, that’s like a “check engine” light going off in your body telling you that your vitamin D levels are low…

To get good sleep, you need to work on your vitamin D…

This is where it all starts to come together because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin… if you have a hard time digesting fat, then this explains why your vitamin D levels are low, and why your sleep is horrible…

I know what it’s like to wake up with brain fog, and feeling tired all day…

Improving your fat digestion so that you can digest healthy fat works in synergy with a keto diet…

The best way to boost your vitamin D and improve fat digestion is with fermented cod liver oil…

Regular cod liver oil needs to be digested which is hard for many who have hypothyroidism… fermented cod liver oil on the other hand is already digested by probiotics so it’s like taking in pure vitamin A & D from the only natural dietary source…

You’ll notice that fermented cod liver oil doesn’t measure IU’s like vitamin D3 supplements… that’s because vitamin D3 supplements also require digestion and most of them are not natural…

At Hypothyroidism Success Story we’re big believers in using food over supplements to get more energy and lose weight…

#3 Nourishment

Eating the right foods is really the core of losing weight…

The reason why people end up gaining weight (filling their fat cells with toxins) is that they eat food that has little or no nutrients…

If there’s a reason why I started this blog was to help people understand the difference between real food and fake food

I used to not care or pay attention to this…

This goes beyond buying organic food… just because it’s labeled organic, all natural, etc., it doesn’t mean that it’s real food…

The more you learn about this topic, the more you realize that food being sold at grocery stores, including health food stores is not what I consider real food…

Since this requires an overhaul of your diet and shopping habits, this is the hardest for people to follow through on…

There’s nothing magical about what I share… it’s simply raising awareness of what goes into your body because everything you drink and eat affects the type of gut flora that grows in your gut…

When I was feeling tired and gaining weight, I thought I was just aging…

… but then my hair started to fall off and I felt like an 84 year old at age 28… that’s when I knew that something wasn’t right and started looking into this…

If your hair is thinning or falling off, you are simply not getting enough nutrients into your body, you are not digesting food properly or the nutrients are not getting into the cells of your body… if you eat real food and have healthy probiotics then you too will see your hair start to grow again…

Can you lose weight on a keto diet if you have hypothyroidism?

Only if you are able to digest fat and if you eat real food…

Most Pinterest recipes (especially those that use cream cheese), don’t list good ingredients and those can actually worsen your fat digestion…

Vegetable oils (corn oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, etc.) are bad oils… they clog up your liver and are in my opinion a big reason why your fat digestion abilities diminish…

Most people I talk to fall into one of these two categories…

  1. They eat lean meats and veggies because they think that fat is bad for them…
  2. They consume too much vegetable oils and not enough healthy fats…

Watch the video below where Janae shares her success story on how she was able to get more energy and lose weight by improving her fat digestion and adding healthy fats to her diet…

Want us to help you get more energy and lose weight?

Join our Facebook group and download our Energy & Fat Loss Blueprint to learn how to get more energy and lose weight…

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