In this blog post I’m going to share with you how to grow thick strong healthy hair…
It may sound weird to say that I’m so glad that I started to lose my hair, but it was hair loss that lit a fire under my butt to get me to make changes to my lifestyle…
Before my hair started to thin and fall off, I was already feeling like something wasn’t right with my body…
I felt tired all the time and I kept gaining weight no matter what…
I was getting discouraged because I would try all kinds of things but get no results…
Then one day I was in the shower lathering up my hair as usual when I felt this weird texture on my hands… I opened my eyes and saw hair all over my hands, the shower curtains, the bath tub…
It was not normal hair loss!
My eyebrows were thinning at the edges… scalp was starting to show through at my temples and forehead…
I felt like I was aging faster than normal…
This is what made me look into my health and made me realize that my hair falling off was like a check engine light going off in my body telling me something wasn’t right and it needed to be fixed…
The journey to learn how to grow hair with thyroid problems began…
#1 Are you eating the right foods?
What makes food good VS bad comes down to one main thing… does it have minerals and was it grown in healthy soil?
Most food you find at grocery stores does not meet this criteria… even if it’s labeled organic, chances are that the food you are buying is lacking nutrients…
Minerals and nutrients are the raw materials your body needs to grow thick, strong healthy hair…
One of the most common reasons why people become deficient in minerals aside from not eating the right foods is dehydration…
If you are dehydrated, it makes sense that you will naturally see the effects by getting brittle nails, dry skin and dry hair…
Many health professionals will be quick to put you on supplements like iron, selenium, vitamin D3, thyroid support supplements, etc… but very few (if any) will ask about your hydration and sleep…
#2 Are you digesting the food you eat?
Eating the right foods is just the beginning… eating food should give you energy…
Do you feel tired all the time?
Do you get gas, bloating or constipation?
If you eat and don’t digest food, then you’re not going to get the nutrients you need to get more energy and grow healthy hair…
One of the biggest reasons why people can’t digest food is low vitamin D…
Vitamin D has a direct correlation to the strength of your immune system…
If you have low vitamin D, your immune system is weak…
Your immune system is your gut flora…
Your gut flora is made up of probiotics like friendly yeast and bacteria…
When your immune system is weak, however, you are likely growing bad bacteria and wild yeast like yeast candida or albicans…
The reason why these are considered bad is because they don’t make nutrients for you and produce toxins when you eat food…
You can be eating healthy food, but if you have bad bacteria in your gut, then the problem is that you are feeding bad bacteria…
This is not only the root cause of hair thinning and hair loss, but it also explains poor sleep and low hormone production…
Vitamin D is needed for hormone production including melatonin (the sleep hormone), thyroid hormone, serotonin & dopamine (the feel good, happy hormone)…
Depression, anxiety, and poor sleep are all signs that you are low in vitamin D and not digesting food properly…
This makes you question if you are really eating healthy…
I used to think I was eating healthy because I thought that eating lean meats and veggies was healthy…
The result?
I gained weight… I gained 40 lbs in a month… I felt uncomfortable when I took my shirt off… was disgusted by my body and how clothes fit me… my looks…
Then I learned a key thing about vitamin D… vitamin D is fat soluble meaning that you need healthy fat in your diet to be able to uptake and use vitamin D…
I used to think that eating fat would make me fat…
I was a low fat warrior…
The moment I started adding fat to my diet, I started to lose weight…
I started to learn more about what fats are good and which ones are not…
We are told that saturated fats are bad and vegetable oils like canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, etc., are good… I found the opposite to be true…
What’s crazy is that I thought I was being healthy by eating salads when I went out… little did I know that most salad dressings are loaded with vegetable oils which are extremely hard to digest, they clog up your liver and gallbladder and block your hormone uptake…
When I removed vegetable oils from my diet and added saturated fats from red meat, fish, avocado, coconut oil, etc., I lost weight and got into the best shape of my life…
For the longest time I thought the opposite was true… I thought chicken, turkey and veggies was being healthy and now I understand how that affected my hormone production and how it lead to my hair falling off…
Healthy fats and proper hydration are what makes your skin and hair feel fully hydrated…
If your hair is frizzy, dry, stretches like a rubber band, is thinning or falling off, then give this a try and see how everything points back to the health of your gut flora…
Growing healthy gut flora is the most effective way to grow strong healthy hair…
They digest food for you, turn it into nutrients and they are the ones who build up your body… they build your skin, hair, nails and every part of you…
Most people think that it’s the thyroid’s fault… they think that if they boost their thyroid things will be fixed… but eventually find out that no matter what they do for their thyroid, fatigue, weight, hair loss and a laundry list of things continue unless they focus on gut health…
#3 Are you using toxic hair products?
If you think our food supply is bad (and it is)… imagine how bad hair products are…
Most hair products are toxic and not good for your hair…
Many are designed to mask issues, but make the problems worse over time…
Most shampoos would leave me with dry scalp and make my hair itchy…
Once I switched to better products my hair felt much fuller and hydrated…
To reverse my thyroid hair loss, I found a good product line with shampoo, conditioner and a growth serum… I don’t share this often because I believe diet played a much bigger role, but choosing better hair products was also part of the mix…
Watch this interview with Janae where she shares her story of how she was able to lose weight and keep her hair healthy with hypothyroidism…
How to get more energy with Hypothyroidism
They key to get energy is learning how to create an environment in your gut for probiotics to grow… minerals are just one of nine steps I use to create this environment…
Sadly, most doctors don’t have a clue about this… thyroid supplements, and programs that promise to “fix your thyroid” don’t understand this either…
I am not a doctor… I only know about this because I was an avid home brewer and studied fermentation, though not for health purposes… I was not into health back then… I was only growing probiotics (brewer’s yeast) to make beer…
… but when I learned that probiotics are what make hormones… all bets were off… I needed to try making the probiotics in my gut as healthy as I could for myself, even if no one else followed…
If you are…
- Too exhausted to move.
- Struggling to stay awake
- Low energy is affecting your work
- Can’t say yes to active play with your kids (family is frustrated at you)
- You’ve tried the diets
- You’ve tried the supplements
- You’ve adjusted your dose up, down and sideways at this point
… then I’m excited to share with you my Energy Blueprint… I journaled everything I did for over seven years to get rid of thyroid fatigue.
I took out what didn’t work and left only what worked…

I started sharing this with others via my free email newsletter.
When you subscribe to our email newsletter you will learn each step I took to get more energy…
You will start by improving digestion… the first thing you’ll notice is no more gas, bloating or constipation… no more dry skin…
Once you tip that domino, the next step is to improve your sleep… you will learn how to get deep restorative sleep so you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day…
Your mind will be sharp in the morning… and if your hair is thinning or falling out, you will notice it start to grow thick and strong again.
… and because everything you do is completely natural, the energy you feel will last all day without having to rely on caffeine or thyroid supplements.
So, you’ll notice when you come home after work, you’ll have energy to play with your kids, workout or do whatever activity you feel like because you will have the energy left to do so!