Have you noticed there’s a lot of women (and men) struggling with fertility and hormone issues lately?

This wasn’t so common before the 90’s, but the trend is on the rise…

A lot of this has to do with the increase in birth control use and most importantly, diet…

You’re on the right track by looking into diet to fix this issue… the problem however is that most people, including health professionals don’t understand diet at all… better stated, most people don’t understand what is happening to our food supply and how the foods that you choose to eat affect your gut health which is the root cause of your weight issues…

You can find decent articles about diets like AIP (autoimmune Paleo), raw vegan, nose to tail carnivore, GAPS… basically the whole spectrum…

… but none of them address the two most important part about a diet plan that will actually help you lose weight and keep it off…

#1 Food quality (how it’s grown)

#2 What kind of gut flora are you feeding

Fertile Food VS Infertile Food

I’m going to walk you through everything I did to lose weight and fix my hormone issues… and most importantly how you too can balance your hormones, increase your fertility and lose weight…

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To do so, I think it’s important that you know that I’m just a regular person and if I can do this, so can you…

Like most people I used to eat pretty much everything…

Everything with moderation

Food was just food… if it tasted good, I’d eat it…

Figured I’d just watch my sweet tooth and eat my veggies… but despite my best attempt at trying to eat what I thought was a healthy diet of lean meats and veggies, and exercising regularly I kept gaining weight non stop…

I felt like a whale if I took my shirt off…

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Little did I know at that time that the food we are eating is not exactly real food…

This is the first thing you have to become aware of… the difference between fertile food and infertile food or as I like to call it real food VS fake food

See, you can go read online that adding healthy fats like avocados, nuts and seeds is what you need to do to lose weight…

… but let’s take almonds as an example…

Did you know that most almonds (and almond products like almond milk, almond butter, etc.) come from infertile almonds?

In order to make food last on the shelf they are usually pasteurized or radiated… what this does is that it kills the probiotics in food…

Fertile food is food that has probiotics…

Probiotics are what produce hormones and balance hormones in your gut… if you have weak probiotics, your fertility goes down…

I’m not saying that almonds are infertile… I’m saying the almonds you buy at the grocery store are infertile…

Fertile almonds need to be raw and unpasteurized… you can find them online or regenerative farms…

Almonds are not the only food that are required to be infertile at grocery stores…

Practically all food sold at grocery stores is infertile…

This may be hard to believe at first, but follow along…

Can you find seeded grapes at your store? Most stores only sell seedless grapes nowadays…

Seeded fruit = fertile fruit

Seedless fruit = infertile fruit

It has nothing to do with whether it’s organic or not… organic seedless fruit is still infertile fruit…

Why is it that you can’t find fertile food at grocery stores? and what correlation does that have with fertility and all these gut issues people are developing?

Last one… milk…

Do you think pasteurized milk is fertile or infertile?

Milk is one of the best foods for hormone production…

… but not all milk is good… pasteurized milk is not good for hormone production… it has no probiotics… they’ve been removed by pasteurization…

If you are understanding that pasteurized food products are infertile, you will start to understand that raw milk is a nourishing, healing food they want you to think is bad…

The point is that you’re not going to hear about healing foods from people that make money off your disease…

Fix your gut fix your weight

If you want to lose weight, then this is why it’s important you understand the difference between real food VS fake food…

See, it doesn’t matter if you go on a vegan diet, keto, paleo, or whatever… if you are eating fake food while on that diet, you will continue to struggle with your weight…

That’s because the food you eat determines the type of gut flora that grows in your gut…

If you have good gut flora (probiotics), then you will stay lean and toned almost effortlessly…

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… but if you have bad bacteria in your gut, then it won’t matter how good your diet is, you will struggle with weight because you are feeding bad bacteria in your gut…

So even if you do seek out and find good fertile food like raw milk, if the damage has already been done, you may still struggle because of the bad bacteria in your gut…

People ask me about PCOS and thyroid… are they related? can PCOS affect your thyroid? can underactive thyroid cause PCOS?

It’s neither… it’s your gut flora that determines your level of health or disease…

Ask yourself this question… what kind of gut flora are you housing in your gut?

Do you have yeast overgrowth, mold, fungus or parasites?

Because that sums up how I’ve been able to get more energy, sleep better and lose weight…

I simply focused on getting rid of bad bacteria in my gut and started to grow probiotics instead…

So the first step to design a diet plan for weight loss is to start eating real food and avoid fake food… (hint: 90% of food sold at grocery stores is fake food)…

Step two is to fix your gut…

Diet Plan for Weight Loss

The difference between bad bacteria and probiotics is that probiotics take food and turn it into key nutrients and vitamins… probiotics also clean up after themselves so they maintain a clean environment for more probiotics to grow and thrive…

Bad bacteria on the other hand take the food that you eat and they steal nutrients… they inhibit hormone production and balance… and they release a lot of toxins which then creates an environment for more bad bacteria to grow… by bad bacteria I’m talking about things like yeast overgrowth, mold, fungus, parasites, etc.

You’ll know if you have them bad boys if you experience gas, bloating or constipation… low energy, brain fog, poor sleep and a hard time losing weight…

This doesn’t happen overnight… it’s a gradual process that may take years or decades, which is why most people don’t start to experience the effects of fake foods until they enter their late 30’s or 40’s…

… but once the scale tilts to favor bad bacteria in your gut, it will take time to clean and restore…

Your diet plan therefore needs to not only include real food, but also protocols to clean up your gut…

Green juice, fasting and other detoxes are part of my diet plan that have helped me lose weight… but there’s a caveat…

If you have bad bacteria and understand that they are bad because they produce toxins… then you’ll start to understand what excess body fat really is…

Excess body fat isn’t really excess body fat because your body has a fixed amount of fat cells… in other words you don’t get more fat cells from eating bad food…

What happens instead is that your fat cells grow as they get stuffed with the toxins produced by bad bacteria… so you’re not really fat, you are toxic…

That’s why detoxing is the best thing you can do to lose weight… the caveat here is that toxins drain your energy… detoxing exposes you to the toxic waste your body has accumulated… that means you need to do this gradually and only if you have the ability to produce energy…

This is the biggest mistake I see people make…

They hear me say that detoxing is the best and fastest way to lose weight, and they try to jump in only to feel worse than before they started to detox…

I was once part of a detox group and saw people going through an advanced detox without preparing by improving their energy levels first and this is what a few experienced…

If you are already feeling fatigue, then detoxing isn’t where you start… you need to first learn how to get more energy so that when you start to detox you can produce energy and not feel drained…

This is why eating real food is the first and most important step before you start to detox which is ultimately the answer you are looking for…

When you start eating real food, your body will be getting the nourishment it needs to produce energy… which means you won’t get hungry or sugar cravings…

It will also have the nourishment it needs to produce and balance hormones… women notice their menstrual cycle is not as painful or heavy when their gut flora is healthy…

Losing weight will no longer be a challenge when you start to implement this…

pcos and thyroid diet plan for weight loss

How to get more energy with Hypothyroidism

They key to get energy is learning how to create an environment in your gut for probiotics to grow… minerals are just one of nine steps I use to create this environment…

Sadly, most doctors don’t have a clue about this… thyroid supplements, and programs that promise to “fix your thyroid” don’t understand this either…

I am not a doctor… I only know about this because I was an avid home brewer and studied fermentation, though not for health purposes… I was not into health back then… I was only growing probiotics (brewer’s yeast) to make beer…

… but when I learned that probiotics are what make hormones… all bets were off… I needed to try making the probiotics in my gut as healthy as I could for myself, even if no one else followed…

If you are…

  • Too exhausted to move.
  • Struggling to stay awake
  • Low energy is affecting your work
  • Can’t say yes to active play with your kids (family is frustrated at you)
  • You’ve tried the diets
  • You’ve tried the supplements
  • You’ve adjusted your dose up, down and sideways at this point

… then I’m excited to share with you my Energy Blueprint… I journaled everything I did for over seven years to get rid of thyroid fatigue.

I took out what didn’t work and left only what worked…

I started sharing this with others via my free email newsletter.

When you subscribe to our email newsletter you will learn each step I took to get more energy…

You will start by improving digestion… the first thing you’ll notice is no more gas, bloating or constipation… no more dry skin…

Once you tip that domino, the next step is to improve your sleep… you will learn how to get deep restorative sleep so you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day… 

Your mind will be sharp in the morning… and if your hair is thinning or falling out, you will notice it start to grow thick and strong again.

… and because everything you do is completely natural, the energy you feel will last all day without having to rely on caffeine or thyroid supplements. 

So, you’ll notice when you come home after work, you’ll have energy to play with your kids, workout or do whatever activity you feel like because you will have the energy left to do so!

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