Why thyroid support supplements for weight loss don’t work and what to do instead…

If you are struggling with thyroid issues, then chances are that gaining weight is just one item on your laundry list of struggles…

I too kept gaining weight no matter what I did…

best thyroid supplement for hypothyroidism

… but weight was just the beginning…

I was tired all the time…

Would toss and turn all night…

I’d wake up with brain fog…

My hair started falling off…

Depression, anxiety, dry skin, food allergies… I could go on…

I tried just about every diet, labs, supplements, but I couldn’t lose weight no matter what…

I didn’t feel like myself and all I wanted was my old self back… I wanted to have the energy I needed to be active and I wanted to feel confident in my body…

One day I was looking into weight loss shakes and then something clicked… I had an “ah ha” moment that completely changed everything for me…

I was able to get my energy back and get into the best shape of my life…

juicing for hypothyroidism and weight loss

What changed?

I realized that no shake, pill, or supplement was going to fix the root cause of my fatigue and excess weight…

… because what produces energy for you and what keeps you lean is the health of your gut flora…

When you eat food, you are supposed to get energy…

… but most people eat food and instead feel tired and drowsy after eating… they get gas, bloating or constipation…

If that’s you, then know that it’s because your gut flora may not be healthy…

Healthy gut flora means that you have mostly probiotics living in your gut…

If you have digestive issues, then it’s likely that you have bad gut flora in your gut…

What makes it bad?

Bad gut flora is bad because it doesn’t digest food to give you nutrients… instead they steal nutrients and release toxins… the toxins they release are then stored in your fat cells which is what makes you gain weight to begin with…

So if you have excess weight, know that you are not fat, you are toxic…

If you get rid of the toxins being produced by your gut, then you’ll lose weight almost effortlessly…

If you don’t get rid of bad gut flora, then no amount of dieting, exercising, supplements or even starving will work to lose weight…

That’s why cleaning up your gut is the most effective and fastest way to lose weight…

When people ask me what’s the best thyroid support supplement for weight loss, I share this product…

Thyroid support supplements don’t work because energy production and weight loss are primarily impacted by the health of your gut…

It’s your gut flora that produces and balances hormones…

That’s why there’s so many people who don’t feel better even if their thyroid levels are normal…

Thyroid hormone production starts in your gut…

You need to be able to digest fats and proteins to get the raw materials your body needs to produce hormones…

If you gut isn’t healthy then you won’t produce hormones effectively… not just thyroid hormone… melatonin (the sleeping hormone) will also be low which is why many have poor sleep…

Serotonin & dopamine (the feel good happy hormones) will also be low which is why many experience depression and anxiety…

Once you have this “ah ha” moment, everything changes because it’s no longer just about thyroid health… all of the sudden you leave that little box that doctors want to keep you in, and you start looking for the real root cause… poor gut health…

Now, I’m not saying that thyroid health doesn’t matter… what I’m saying is that poor gut health is what tips the domino that affects your thyroid, liver, gallbladder and other parts of your body that need to function so that you can get energy, lose weight and produce hormones…

When I started sharing this with others, they too started to see results with their weight and hormone production…

best thyroid support supplement

Will this work if I don’t have a thyroid?

This is one of the saddest questions I get, because I really hope that you find this content before you have to go through this…

I can’t tell you how many people go to their doctor when they first start to see signs of a thyroid nodule and they are told not to worry about it because it’s not big enough…

What happens then is that people go about their life until the nodule gets bigger and then they are told it needs to be cut…

Cleaning up your gut is good regardless…

No one benefits from having a toxic gut…

Here’s a weight loss success story…

Want us to help you get more energy and lose weight?

Join our Facebook group and download our Energy & Fat Loss Blueprint to learn how to get more energy and lose weight…

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