I’m about to share with you my journey in discovering how to get more energy despite being told that there was nothing I could do about this and that I would have this for life.
In 2012, I was fatigued all the time. I’d be too exhausted to move and when I did move, I felt like a walking zombie.
At first, I thought I was just aging. I thought that low energy was a thing that happened as you got older… so I wasn’t thinking much about this, until my hair started to fall out. That got my attention and got me looking into doing something about my health.
My background is in brewing beer and teaching others how to brew beer at home. At the time, being a beer brewer was the farthest thing from being a health professional… but a series of events changed my perspective and made me realize that I knew things that doctors should know, but don’t…
As I started looking into my health, I was looking at all the things I was experiencing: poor sleep, brain fog, anxiety, gas, bloating, constipation…
One by one, I was trying to figure out what was causing it…
The one that stood out to me most was gas… because I read that what causes gas is yeast candida overgrowth. When I read that, I nearly fell off my chair…
As a beer brewer I was very familiar with yeast… brewer’s yeast in my case. The first time, I had seen the term yeast candida was in a beer brewing book talking about wild yeast that could ruin a good batch of beer. Somehow, in my brewing days, I had not made the connection that the probiotics we use to ferment foods and beverages like beer, wine, kombucha, yogurt, sauerkraut, sourdough, etc., are the same probiotics that live in our gut…
… and the same bad bacteria and wild yeast that would ruin fermented foods and beverages are the same bad bacteria that ruins our health…
Now, please hear me out… this clicked for me in an instant and yet, it took me about seven years to fully accept this idea…
I say that because…
Getting More Energy Is As Simple As Mineralizing Your Body
I couldn’t believe it!
How could I had missed that…
See, when brewing beer, I would essentially soak grains in water to digest its starch into sugar. The caveat was that the water needed to have minerals…
Without minerals, I could not digest the starch into sugar…
As I thought about the brewing process, it hit me!
The gas, bloating and constipation I was experiencing was because my body was lacking minerals… so I wasn’t digesting food properly.
You can’t have undigested food sitting in your gut… if you do, it will rot and that’s what brings about bad bacteria, wild yeast and parasites… because their job is to break down “trash” and other junk that probiotics won’t eat.
No wonder my hair was falling out… in order for your body to grow hair, you need amino acids… and in order to get amino acids, you need to be able to digest protein…
Well, I wasn’t digesting protein… undigested protein in the body causes inflammation, which I had… Everything started to fit together and I gained an understanding of why I was feeling tired all the time, and why I wasn’t producing hormones…
Probiotics give you energy. They make vitamins and make hormones for you!
Something else, I knew, but didn’t fully understand was that probiotics make key nutrients like vitamins and hormones for you. As a beer brewer, I was dealing primarily with brewer’s yeast, and I knew that they made key nutrients and vitamins like B vitamins in beer, but I still didn’t connect the dots with our bodies getting vitamins and other key nutrients from probiotics… I don’t even think I thought of brewer’s yeast as a probiotic until I started researching health…
… but once this clicked, I looked at all the knowledge I had gained from learning fermentation and as crazy as it sounded, I decided to borrow principles I learned while brewing beer and apply them to health… this only made sense because if probiotics live in your gut, then it makes sense that your gut is like a fermentation vessel… and probiotics can only grow if they are in the right environment.
That became the key to getting more energy… and as I started testing my theories, I came to the conclusion that:
Creating an environment for probiotics to grow is the most effective way to get more energy…
I started breaking apart the brewing process and picking out pieces I could use to grow probiotics in my gut and it was simple…
First thing I would do when brewing was to make sure I had clean water and minerals…
Why You Need Minerals to Get More Energy
In my early research days, I was introduced to reishi mushroom by mom. I was highly skeptical about pretty much everything, and I remember asking her “what will this do to me?”
It’s funny to think about that now… but back then, I didn’t trust anything…
Since it was mom, I decided to look into it and what I found was that reishi mushroom has a lot of minerals… when I saw that, I started to wonder. I knew that without minerals I couldn’t digest, but it seemed like there was more to it than that.
So I researched more and found that minerals are conductive.
Think about it… if you have a double AA battery fully charged, what you have is an energy storing device. In order to use the energy inside the battery, you need a conductive material like a copper wire…
When I understood that, it clicked for me… we need conductive minerals in our body so that we can use the energy that our cells store. Our cells are called cells because they are indeed battery cells!
How to get more energy with Hashimoto’s
Could it really be this easy?
When brewing beer, I would make different water profiles, meaning I would add different amount and types of minerals to my brewing water to mimic the water profile of different regions of the world so that I could brew their beer style like Stouts from Ireland or Pilsners from Czech Republic.
Why not do the same to my drinking water and mineralize my body?
So I found that you can get over 82 minerals from large crystals of pink Himalayan salt. You extract the minerals by making SOLE salt.
I also found that one of the most conductive minerals you need for energy and sleep is ionic magnesium, which also comes from salt (from the Great Salt Lake in Utah).
When I started adding minerals to my drinking water, I started to notice my skin became clear and more radiant….
![Juicing for hypothyroidism and energy](https://hypothyroidismsuccessstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Jorge-blue-green-algae-500.jpg)
My skin had been dry and ashy so this was a sign that I was heading in the right direction…
As I continued to mineralize my body, I then started to notice an improvement in my digestion and bowel movements…
I was no longer getting gassy, bloated or constipated…
I got so excited, I started to share this information with others and they too started to experience an improvement in their digestion and energy levels!
This was just the beginning…
I later learned that ionic magnesium, when combined with other nutrients, will help your body produce all kinds of things like hair, vitamins and hormones…
I found that some people were doing all kinds of things to keep their hair from thinning or falling out, but it didn’t work until they started to add in ionic magnesium…
This was amazing to see because when I started, I didn’t think I could do anything about this… doctor had told me that there was nothing I could do about it…
… and who was I to challenge that…
I was a beer brewer, not a doctor…
… but now things have changed and I am realizing that fermentation has allowed me to transform my health…
I became obsessed with the topic even more so than when I was learning and teaching how to brew beer… but now I was learning about fermentation to see if I could get my body to produce hormones like thyroid hormone, melatonin (the sleeping hormone), and other hormones…
That’s when I found fermented cod liver oil, which again, when combined with the minerals, it improved my sleep dramatically.
It was crazy to think that I would spend the entire day feeling tired, but when it came time to go to sleep, my anxiety would ramp up, my mind would start racing and I would get insomnia. I would toss and turn all night and wake up feeling miserable… the brain fog was the worst!
I’ve since had people like Ina who was barely surviving off of 2-3 hours of sleep at night… and improved her sleep just with minerals and fermented cod liver oil alone.
When you get good sleep, your body recharges and you get more energy…
These are just the first two steps that dramatically helped me improve my energy levels. There’s like 9 more things like this that I now use as my energy boosters when I want more energy…
If you want to learn more about this, then be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter where I share more about what I did to get more energy, sleep better and feel better…
I look forward to seeing you on the email newsletter and hope to one day do a success story interview with you.