This is absolutely the best topic you can research and understand to get more energy and lose weight…

The “best” food for thyroid isn’t about knowing what to eat…

Rather, it’s about understanding the quality of food you are eating…

If you do a search online for thyroid superfoods, you may come across different sites saying that the best foods to eat for thyroid are foods like seaweed (iodine), brazil nuts (selenium), fish, dairy, etc… but that’s not the whole story…

For example, I too believe that milk is one of the best foods for hormone production, but not all milk is good for you…

Which milk is good for hypothyroidism?

The problem is that anyone who’s struggled with thyroid problems knowns that eating certain foods like dairy & nuts may end up in gas, bloating or constipation…

It’s not because dairy is bad for you… it’s about where does the dairy come from AND can you digest it?

Milk sold at grocery stores has to be pasteurized which is a dumb rule… the premise is that pasteurizing is supposed to get rid of bacteria… this sounds like a good thing at first, until you understand that your body is built by good bacteria… your immune system depends on good bacteria…

That’s the lesson… there’s good bacteria and bad bacteria…

Raw milk, if it comes from a healthy pasture raised cow, it will be filled with good bacteria which you need for hormone production… it’s also easy to digest… pasteurized milk is hard to digest which is what makes people lactose intolerant if they don’t get the probiotics typically found in raw milk…

If you want to learn how to increase thyroid hormone naturally, you need to understand the power of raw dairy in your diet… (I’ll be writing a blog post on this soon)…

Pasteurizing milk will get rid of bacteria, which turns a highly nourishing drink (raw milk) into a hard to digest drink (pasteurized milk)…

Hear me out… there’s no need to pasteurize raw milk if it comes from healthy pasture raised cows…

You would only need to pasteurize milk if it came from unhealthy cows…

In other words, pasteurizing milk allows bad farmers who don’t care for the health of their cows to put their product on the shelf…

To find good raw milk, you have to seek out farmers that care about the health of their cows, which you can do so based on whether they follow regenerative farming practices…

I hope this makes sense, because I can say that eggs are good, but if you buy eggs at the grocery store, then those eggs are not good… did you know that real eggs don’t need to be refrigerated?

I refer to the best foods to eat for thyroid health as “Real Food”…

If you want a healthy thyroid that gives you energy and keeps you lean & toned, then you have to understand the difference between real food vs fake food

These are the food changes I made that allowed me to get more energy and lose weight…

Real food is grown using regenerative farming practices… what that means is that the soil health is constantly improved and that it’s mineral rich soil…

What food should we avoid for thyroid?

If you buy food at grocery stores, you are buying conventional or organic foods, which are not nutrient rich and lack the quality and quantity of minerals that your body needs…

These are foods you should definitely avoid… especially vegetable oil (canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, etc.)

If you are going out to eat at restaurants (especially fast food), you need to know that most of them cook with vegetable oil which turns most food into inflammatory foods to avoid with hypothyroidism…

This is hard to believe because you probably think of that food being normal and nothing wrong with it… but the more you learn about food and our food supply, you will start to understand why over 60% of the US population has some sort of gut or hormone issue, especially as they get into their late 30’s and 40’s…

What drink helps thyroid?

One of the easiest changes to your diet you can make is to drink mineralized water first thing in the morning because ultimately what you are looking for in food is minerals…

Minerals allow your body to use the energy stored in the cells of your body…

Without minerals you cannot digest food, hence the gas, bloating and constipation…

That’s why when I talk about what foods to eat, it’s not about eating fish per se, but rather about understanding the difference between farmed salmon and wild caught salmon…

Further, it’s about understanding that the food you eat needs to be digested…

Most people with thyroid problems have fat digestive issues… this happens because of poor gut health and because many believe that low fat foods is healthy…

I used to think the same… I used to eat lean meats and veggies thinking that I was eating healthy, but low fat is the worst for thyroid health…


… because your body needs healthy fats for hormone production…

Which fruit is best for thyroid?


Yes, avocado is a fruit, and the reason why it’s so good is because of the healthy fats which are needed to boost your vitamin D and hormone production…

One of the best foods you will add to your diet is omega-3 rich fish oils… the best one, hands down is fermented cod liver oil & fermented skate liver oil… these are the only natural sources of vitamin D you can get through diet…

The reason why they work so well is because “fermented” means that the oil has already been digested and turned into vitamins and key nutrients… this is what would typically happen if you had a healthy gut and healthy thyroid…

If you have a hard time falling or staying asleep, then chances are that you have fat digestive issues… fermented cod liver oil will give your body the enzymes and strengthen your gut probiotics so it can properly digest food…

If you wake up feeling tired with brain fog, you’ll notice a huge improvement in the quality of your sleep when you add this food to your diet…

Another food you won’t see mentioned that will help you get more energy is grass fed beef organs…

This is a traditional food that you don’t see in modern day diets because it’s not exactly appealing or something you eat for taste, but it is the most nourishing food you can eat…

Personally I don’t like it… but my hair started falling off and I didn’t like that either so I took the plunge and added beef organs to my diet…

Grass fed beef organs, along with minerals were the best foods I added to grow thick strong healthy hair…

Not only did it help with my hair loss, it helped me reduce my sugar cravings which made it easier to stay lean & toned…

Remember… they key when it comes to finding the best food for thyroid problems is to make sure that it comes from regenerative farming practices…

You are what you eat… so quality of food is way more important than the actual foods you choose…

Then, the next most important thing you can do is to improve your digestion…

This is how we helped Janae get more energy, sleep better and lose weight…

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