It was pretty exciting to feel a boost of energy when I started to improve my hydration and worked on my sleep…
There was another piece to this puzzle that changed the way I look at diet…
I used to have a sweet tooth… I could have had a huge meal and feel more than full, but always seemed to find extra room to sneak in dessert… it was almost as if my body never quite felt “full”… granted my belly felt like it was ready to burst, but the feeling of hunger never quite went away…
Real Food VS Fake Food
When it came to diet, my motto used to be “everything in moderation”… never liked the idea of restricting food options and to date, I still feel the same way about that…
… but there was a lesson from brewing beer that gave me new perspective on what food is supposed to be…
The lesson came from learning how to brew light lagers… what makes a lager “light” is the use of a certain type of grain called adjuncts, such as rice or corn. The reason they are called adjuncts is because they don’t have as much protein or nutrients for yeast to feed and grow healthy… The lack of protein makes the body of a beer lighter, but care must be taken so that the nutrients aren’t diluted too much…
If nutrients are diluted too much, then probiotics like brewer’s yeast will not eat the sugar… sugar without nutrients however is still quite appealing to wild yeast like yeast candida… yeast candida is a bad yeast that will spoil a batch of beer if it grows… and it is likely to grow when you have food without nutrients…
This was such an eye opener, because when I was researching why I was getting gas, bloating and constant constipation, I found that a big part of it was from yeast candida overgrowth…
I had known about yeast candida in the brewing process not realizing that it is a big reason why many people experience gut issues and autoimmune issues… but once I made that connection, I suddenly realized that my brewing knowledge could be useful in fixing my gut issues.
It’s why I started looking at adding minerals to my drinking water, eating fermented foods to address any vitamin deficiency and now I had another big piece to the puzzle…
Food. Must. Have. Nutrients!!!
Prior to this, I would buy whatever was cheapest… conventional fruits, veggies, meats, etc.
After realizing this, even organic became suspect… I had to really understand how the food was grown and if the food had any minerals… the answer in most cases was “no.”
No wonder none of the diets I tried failed… it doesn’t matter if you eat paleo, keto, vegan, carnivore, whole 30, or whatever, if the food you are eating has little to no nutrients because probiotics won’t eat that food… there is no energy in that food for probiotics to transfer to your body…
Food without nutrients however will feed bad bacteria like wild yeast in your gut… this will in turn give you gas, bloating and constipation… it will create an environment for bad bacteria to grow… and that’s not good.
The goal is the opposite… to fight fatigue, you want to create an environment for probiotics to grow…
When I combined improving my digestion with improving my sleep, with eating nourishing foods, it’s as if I got a battery jumpstart that boosted my energy and charged me up…
I haven’t had to worry about fatigue since… but there was still something missing that I needed to address to get energy that lasts all day without relying on caffeine or supplements…