I used to think that the reason I was feeling always tired was because I had poor thyroid function…
… But there’s a lot more to energy than just low thyroid function…
Many people think that once they get their TSH levels to normal levels they’ll be fine…
Getting more energy depends on more than getting your TSH levels to be normal…
First off, the thyroid isn’t what produces energy for you… it’s your mitochondria function which produces energy…
You have to look into…
- Vitamin D
- Hormone production
- Hormone balance
- Minerals
- Coenzyme Q10
- Vitamin B12
- Food Digestion
- Gut Flora
- Sleep
- Environment
I often refer to Vitamin D and hormones like testosterone, dopamine, adrenaline and others as the “charge” of your battery…
If your charge is low, your energy will be low…
So this journey involves a discovery of what’s affecting this list…
Take the hormone adrenaline for example…
I had adrenal fatigue…
My adrenals were shot, because they were producing too much cortisol from all the stress I was going through…
Not only did my hair began to thin and fall off, I was also not producing enough adrenaline…
Adrenaline is what keeps you focused and alert…
No adrenaline, no focus…
… without adrenaline, instead of being focused and alert you get brain fog…
… and fatigue…
I was sick of being sick and tired all the time…
I felt like I had much more life to live, but didn’t have the energy I needed until I started using this troubleshooting process…
#1 Drinking clean distilled water with ionic magnesium concentrate
#2 Boosting my vitamin D
#3 Improving mitochondria function to jumpstart energy production at the cell level…
This 3 step process is what I call my Energy Jumpstart Kit…
When I started focusing on these 3 steps I started to get more energy and started to feel normal again…
The best part is that when I started sharing this with others they too started getting more energy…

Giving your body the nourishment it needs for energy production is only the beginning…
Your body must be able to uptake those nutrients and get them into the cells of your body…
If you are taking minerals, vitamin D and nourishing your body to improve mitochondria function and you still don’t feel energy, that’s when troubleshooting begins…
We cover troubleshooting in more detail inside our [Energy Bootcamp] since it’s a requirement to start [Body Bootcamp] where we teach you how to lose weight…
To learn more about how to get more energy and sleep better click the “Learn More” button below to learn more about [Energy Bootcamp]