Don’t buy thyroid support supplements until you read this!

If you are looking to get more energy, sleep better and lose weight then read this because I’m going to share how to do it without supplements…

I love when people ask me about Selenium and other thyroid support supplements because it allows me to share what you really need to know about supplements…

That is:

You don’t need supplements when you eat the right foods!

So when people ask me…

What’s the best form of selenium for thyroid?

Sure, there are some really good supplements out there…

Best Selenium Supplement for Thyroid
Learn More…

… but wouldn’t you rather live full of energy without having to rely on supplements?

Most people I talk to would love to and it’s absolutely possible!

best thyroid support supplement

Truth is, you should be getting all of your nutrients from food… all the supplements they want you to be on like selenium, iron, zinc, thyroid hormone, etc., you should be getting all from food…

The problem is that our food supply is screwed up…

It’s no accident that over 60% of the US population has some sort of gut issue especially when you’re in your late 30’s and 40’s… but it doesn’t have to be that way if you take time to learn what’s really going on…

If you buy food at the grocery store, you need to understand that even though it appears to be normal food, it’s far from real food… I call it fake food… I’m talking about both conventional and organic foods sold at grocery stores…

How so?

Real food is living food, meaning it self decomposes… real food is naturally perishable because it’s not meant to be sitting on the shelves at stores…

In order to make food shelf stable they have to pasteurize or radiate food which kills probiotics…

Probiotics are what digest food for you, make vitamins, key nutrients, produce hormones and basically what you depend on to keep you alive and healthy…

So let’s say you decide to eat the right foods instead of taking supplements…

The first step is to learn where your food comes from and how it’s grown… you need to learn what regenerative farming means… not all food is created equal…

What food is a good source of selenium?

Brazil nuts!

Again, only Brazil nuts grown using regenerative farming practices and only if they are properly prepared for consumption…

What does that mean?

Here’s the thing you need to understand about food, especially seeds and nuts…

Good seeds and nuts can only be good if they are raw and either soaked or sprouted because nuts have anti-nutrients like phytic acid which essentially inhibit mineral and nutrient absorption… soaking and sprouting removes this phytic acid, but only if the nut is a living nut and has probiotics…

If you buy nuts at the store you need to know that they are either pasteurized or radiated which means it’s no longer a living nut and you won’t be able to remove anti-nutrients by soaking or sprouting because pasteurizing and radiating food gets rid of probiotics…

The same goes for milk… pasteurized milk is dead milk… it’s the reason many end up lactose intolerant because they are not getting the lactobacillus probiotics that help digest which are only found in raw milk…

I know that pasteurized milk has been normalized and that many are scared of raw milk… probiotics are friendly bacteria… to be afraid of bacteria is like being afraid of your own shadow… raw milk, if it comes from healthy cows, it will have probiotics not bad bacteria… your health literally depends on the health of the probiotics in your gut… your probiotics won’t be healthy if you keep feeding them dead food…

This is why many have low energy, poor sleep and weight issues…

This is your wake up call to start paying attention to the food you buy and start voting with your dollars… stop supporting companies that sell you fake food…

Is selenium good for low thyroid

Yes, selenium plays a key role in thyroid function, but it’s not the magic fix you are looking for…

All nutrients, including selenium are used up by probiotics in your body… if you don’t have healthy probiotics in your body, then no amount of supplements is going to help you…

If you have gas, bloating, constipation or have a hard time falling or staying asleep, then chances are your gut probiotics are weak…

This is important to understand because the food choices you make depends primarily on the health of your microbiome (the environment and health of the probiotics that live in your gut)…

Sprouting nuts and seeds is basically a way to pre-digest the nutrients… if you have a weak gut, then sprouting makes it easier for your body to finish digesting…

Soaking nuts is still good, but only if you have a healthy gut… that’s why when it comes to diet, what works for some doesn’t work for others…

Depending on how weak your gut probiotics are, you may need to seek out more bioavailable food… that means that you need to eat food that is easy to digest until you strengthen your probiotics and are able to take on other foods…

What’s the most bioavailable source of selenium?

Drum roll…

It’s not a food you will crave…

In fact, you may be disgusted by it…

… but I’m here simply stating facts…

The fact is that grass fed meat organs are the most nutrient rich and bioavailable form of nutrients like selenium…

Grass fed beef liver has just about everything you need… if you really need selenium, then grass fed beef kidney has the richest source…

Now, hear me out… I personally don’t like to eat meat organs… I didn’t grow up eating those foods and honestly it sounded weird…

… but I was struggling with fatigue, brain fog, poor sleep, anxiety, hair loss, and kept gaining weight non stop…

When I started incorporating meat organs into my diet, everything changed… I got my life back…

I now have more energy and was able to get into the best shape of my life…

juicing for hypothyroidism and weight loss

I’ll be honest though…

It took me years to start eating actual meat organs so I don’t expect you to jump into it…

Which is why I consider the best selenium supplement to be none other than freeze-dried grass fed beef kidney…

Bar none best selenium supplement
Use code HIP HIP to get 10% off

I don’t actually think of beef kidney as a supplement, but rather a traditional food… you can find people on YouTube showing you how to cook actual kidney…

Again, it’s not my favorite and you may not be able to stomach it, which is why capsules are a good way to get your selenium… also rich in B12 which is key for energy production…

Don’t believe me…

Listen to the success stories of those who are learning and implementing this information…

How to get more energy with Hypothyroidism

They key to get energy is learning how to create an environment in your gut for probiotics to grow… minerals are just one of nine steps I use to create this environment…

Sadly, most doctors don’t have a clue about this… thyroid supplements, and programs that promise to “fix your thyroid” don’t understand this either…

I am not a doctor… I only know about this because I was an avid home brewer and studied fermentation, though not for health purposes… I was not into health back then… I was only growing probiotics (brewer’s yeast) to make beer…

… but when I learned that probiotics are what make hormones… all bets were off… I needed to try making the probiotics in my gut as healthy as I could for myself, even if no one else followed…

If you are…

  • Too exhausted to move.
  • Struggling to stay awake
  • Low energy is affecting your work
  • Can’t say yes to active play with your kids (family is frustrated at you)
  • You’ve tried the diets
  • You’ve tried the supplements
  • You’ve adjusted your dose up, down and sideways at this point

… then I’m excited to share with you my Energy Blueprint… I journaled everything I did for over seven years to get rid of thyroid fatigue.

I took out what didn’t work and left only what worked…

I started sharing this with others via my free email newsletter.

When you subscribe to our email newsletter you will learn each step I took to get more energy…

You will start by improving digestion… the first thing you’ll notice is no more gas, bloating or constipation… no more dry skin…

Once you tip that domino, the next step is to improve your sleep… you will learn how to get deep restorative sleep so you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day… 

Your mind will be sharp in the morning… and if your hair is thinning or falling out, you will notice it start to grow thick and strong again.

… and because everything you do is completely natural, the energy you feel will last all day without having to rely on caffeine or thyroid supplements. 

So, you’ll notice when you come home after work, you’ll have energy to play with your kids, workout or do whatever activity you feel like because you will have the energy left to do so!

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