In this blog post I’m going to share with you the best way to get more energy and lose weight…
When I first started my journey I was searching all over the place for ways to support my thyroid…
I thought that if I gave my thyroid a boost that I would get my energy back and I’d be able to lose weight again…
What I didn’t understand was that what affected thyroid function the most was gut health…
80% of your immune system relies on the health of your gut flora…
Before understanding this, I kept gaining weight no matter what and felt tired all the time…
That’s because your gut flora is what produces energy and hormones for you…
If you have low thyroid hormone production, it starts with your gut flora first…
What causes Hashimoto’s to flare up?
Your gut flora is composed of good friendly bacteria (probiotics) and bad bacteria…
The reason why bad bacteria is considered bad is because they eat the food you eat and instead of producing vitamins, hormones and other key nutrients they steal the nutrients and release toxins…
Those toxins are what drains your energy, gives you brain fog, makes it hard to lose weight and it creates an environment for more bad bacteria to grow…
This is why, you can choose to eat healthy, but still get gas, bloating or constipation if you have bad bacteria in your gut…
When you have bad bacteria in your gut, then no amount of supplements is going to help you improve your thyroid…
If you search online you’ll find a lot of Hashimoto’s bundles, thyro-drive, thyro-boost, and other thyroid support stuff that doesn’t help you solve the root cause…
Best supplements for Hashimoto’s Fatigue
The best way to boost your thyroid is to boost your gut flora (your immune system)…
Hashimoto’s is an auto-immune issue, not a thyroid issue… your immune system is your gut, not your thyroid…
The first step to boost your energy levels is to hydrate!
To hydrate you need clean water and minerals…
Dehydration is the main reason why bad bacteria grows in your gut… things like yeast overgrowth, mold, fungus, parasites, etc.
You can’t digest food properly unless you are hydrated…
To make thyroid hormone, your body needs to be able to digest protein into amino acids because it needs the amino acid tyrosine to make thyroid hormone…
Dehydration means poor digestion, and poor digestion is one reason why your body can’t produce energy or hormones…
Step #2 is vitamin D… but not the synthetic junk that most people are given…
If you are taking a vitamin D supplement that measures the amount of vitamin D in IU’s, then that’s not the same as getting real, natural vitamin D…
Probiotics make vitamins for you… that’s why low vitamin D levels are directly correlated to how weak your immune system is…
If you have weak gut flora then you have to seek out foods that have already been digested…
Probiotics digest food for you… probiotics are the living creatures that digest and ferment foods and beverages…
The best supplement for energy is fermented cod liver oil…
Fermented cod liver oil is one of the best and only natural dietary sources of vitamin D… there’s other fermented fish oils like skate liver oil that are also good…
When you boost your vitamin D levels, you will notice an improvement in your sleep and energy levels… it will also strengthen your gut flora which means your digestion will improve and your immune system will get stronger…
When you hydrate and boost your vitamin D, the only thing left to do is to eat nourishing foods…
How did your immune system become weak?
I was no different than most people…
I used to eat whatever and didn’t care if it was organic, or how the food was grown…
Then I realized that everything you put into your body will either strengthen or weaken your gut flora…
The environment of your gut determines what grows… if your gut is toxic, then you’ll grow bad bacteria…
Taking probiotics is a moot point when your gut is toxic… you need to clean up your gut first and stop eating anything that makes it toxic…
Dehydration, low vitamin D and malnourishment is the formula to weaken your immune system…
The opposite is how you reverse it…
Since I started doing doing these 3 things, I’ve been able to get my energy back and lose weight…
I started sharing with others how to do the same…
Everything I do is designed to grow and strengthen your gut flora…
When you do so, your energy levels will go up naturally…
You won’t have to depend on supplements…
How to get more energy with Hypothyroidism
They key to get energy is learning how to create an environment in your gut for probiotics to grow… minerals are just one of nine steps I use to create this environment…
Sadly, most doctors don’t have a clue about this… thyroid supplements, and programs that promise to “fix your thyroid” don’t understand this either…
I am not a doctor… I only know about this because I was an avid home brewer and studied fermentation, though not for health purposes… I was not into health back then… I was only growing probiotics (brewer’s yeast) to make beer…
… but when I learned that probiotics are what make hormones… all bets were off… I needed to try making the probiotics in my gut as healthy as I could for myself, even if no one else followed…
If you are…
- Too exhausted to move.
- Struggling to stay awake
- Low energy is affecting your work
- Can’t say yes to active play with your kids (family is frustrated at you)
- You’ve tried the diets
- You’ve tried the supplements
- You’ve adjusted your dose up, down and sideways at this point
… then I’m excited to share with you my Energy Blueprint… I journaled everything I did for over seven years to get rid of thyroid fatigue.
I took out what didn’t work and left only what worked…

I started sharing this with others via my free email newsletter.
When you subscribe to our email newsletter you will learn each step I took to get more energy…
You will start by improving digestion… the first thing you’ll notice is no more gas, bloating or constipation… no more dry skin…
Once you tip that domino, the next step is to improve your sleep… you will learn how to get deep restorative sleep so you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day…
Your mind will be sharp in the morning… and if your hair is thinning or falling out, you will notice it start to grow thick and strong again.
… and because everything you do is completely natural, the energy you feel will last all day without having to rely on caffeine or thyroid supplements.
So, you’ll notice when you come home after work, you’ll have energy to play with your kids, workout or do whatever activity you feel like because you will have the energy left to do so!