I had reached a point where I felt like I had to push myself to do things…

I had no energy…

I kept gaining weight even though I was paying close attention to my diet and exercised frequently.

In this blog post I’m going to share with you how I was able to lose weight and get my life back…

Juicing for hypothyroidism & weight loss

I was having a hard time falling and staying asleep and would wake up with brain fog…

I thought I was just aging, but what finally made me want to do something about this was my hair started falling off at a scary rate…

#1 How to Get More Energy

Gaining weight non stop is a byproduct of bigger issues… low energy and poor sleep…

If you have low energy then no amount of juicing is going to help you lose weight…

Before you take on juicing, you need to address any nutrient deficiencies to get rid of fatigue… this is especially important to grow thick strong hair if you are experiencing any hair thinning or hair loss…

You should feel a boost of energy and your sleep should be deep and restorative…

If your energy levels are good and your sleep is good (meaning you feel well rested and not waking up with brain fog, etc.)… then you can come back to this and start juicing…

#2 Best morning drink for hypothyroidism

I used to wake up and be in dire need of coffee first thing in the morning…

I love coffeee… nothing wrong with coffee as long as it’s good coffee (I’ll cover this topic later)…

When I was a kid, I used to think that coffee was an adult drink…

As a teenager, I thought booze was the cool adult drink…

… but now I realize that the real adult drink is water… mineralized water to be more specific…

Not only does it help you get more energy, but it also plays a foundational role in losing weight…

Here’s why mineralized water is hands down the best morning drink for hypothyroidism…

Reason: Digestion!

If you don’t drink enough water, chances are you will get gas, bloating or constipation…

That means that the food you eat won’t be properly digested…

It’s why you feel low energy… you need to digest food to get energy…

… but more important to understand is that if you can’t digest food properly, then that food begins to accumulate in your gut which produces a lot of toxins (endotoxins)…

The more toxins your gut produces the more weight you’ll gain because your body will fill your fat cells with toxins to protect itself…

This is important to understand because if you are looking to get into juicing for weight loss, you need to know that juicing can only do so much for you…

The real root cause of weight gain is what lives in your gut, because that’s what produces toxins…

If you have yeast overgrowth, mold, fungus or parasites in your gut, then that’s ultimately what you need to get rid of so you can lose weight and keep it off…

Once you clean up your gut you’ll find it so much easier to stay lean and toned…

juicing for hypothyroidism and weight loss

I really hope this message is landing because I’m sharing with you how I really started losing weight…

Yes, juicing helped, but hydration is really what you are after…

In fact, the green juice recipes I share below are hydrating which is what makes them effective…

… but it’s not the same thing to drink juice than it is to drink mineralized water…

Many people I share this with overlook it because drinking water sounds almost too simple… especially if you’ve tried going to all kinds of doctors, gotten expensive labs, tried all kinds of supplements or feel like you’ve tried everything but nothing seems to work…

… but once people try the 5 day hydration challenge, they too start to notice more energy, better sleep and start to feel better…

Juicing for hypothyroidism

The 5 day hydration challenge is one of 3 steps to get more energy & lose weight

#3 Green smoothies VS Juicing for hypothyroidism and weight loss

I was talking to a friend about how I started making “green morning smoothies” for breakfast and she told me to look into juicing instead.

This is important to understand because many people confuse smoothies with juicing and it’s not the same… juicing removes the fiber while smoothies keep the fiber…

Most people quickly ask “isn’t fiber good for you?”…

… and the answer is that it depends…

If you have a clean gut and have mostly good gut flora living in your gut, then yes, fiber is good because fiber is food for bacteria…

If on the other hand you have bad bacteria in your gut, then fiber will feed bad gut flora which is one reason why many experience gas, bloating or constipation…

Here’s a good video that explains juicing vs smoothies in more detail…

There’s a lot of great information on juicing, but I kept coming across one problem. Many authors of juice recipes don’t understand what it’s like to have hypothyroidism. Not to mention there is a lot of conflicting information when it comes to different ingredients and what works to get rid of fatigue and lose weight when hypothyroid.

So here are the tried and tested ingredients which you can use to mix and match to make your own juice recipes for hypothyroidism.

The Basic Three

Juicing Recipe Hypothyroidism

#1 Carrot Juice for hypothyroidism

You know how during fall, leaves tend to turn to a red-orange color? That’s a pigment called beta-carotene, which is one of the raw materials the body uses to make one of the forms of vitamin A as retinol. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, and they are one way to boost your vitamin A in the form of retinol.

Here’s a list of common signs and symptoms that tell you lack vitamin A in your diet.

  • Poor night vision
  • Dry skin
  • Dry hair
  • Weak or ridged fingernails
  • Fibroids
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Low vitamin D levels
  • Autoimmune problems
  • Difficulty fighting infections
  • Liver dysfunction

The body stores vitamin A in the liver which is why low vitamin A can cause liver dysfunction. The liver converts the thyroid hormone T4 into T3 so it’s important to keep your liver functioning properly. Since vitamin A is stored in the liver, it makes sense that some of the best sources of vitamin A comes from beef liver and fermented cod liver oil.

#2 Beet Juice for Hypothyroidism

Picture industrial waste… trash, by-products, chemicals, toxins, etc… In the body, industrial waste is called oxidative stress. These are all the toxins in the body that come from various sources including food and water, to everyday things you come in contact with that are toxic.

The liver is one of the main detox organs you have. It’s like a filter. Filters get clogged. This is why it’s important to keep the liver functioning properly so that it can “clean up” for you. Take care of your liver and your liver will take care of you.

Beets are one of the ingredients I like to use for liver cleansing so I like to include them in my juice recipes for hypothyroidism.

#3 Celery juice for hypothyroidism

When it comes to fatigue, magnesium and B vitamins are your best allies. Celery is one of the best sources of these nutrients which is why I’m finding more people who get good results when adding celery to their juice recipes.

My personal favorite juice ingredients

#1 Cucumber

I love using cucumber as a base for vegetable juice. It has a very mild flavor and it has a high water content. It is one of my favorite sources of potassium and multiple B vitamins which are great for nails, skin and hair.

#2 Ginger & Lemon

There’s something warming about ginger, and personally I love the flavor it gives to my green juices. It is also a great source of potassium and magnesium which are key to getting rid of fatigue.

Lemon is the master alkalizer. Lemon is a staple ingredient in my diet. One of the main reasons why I love using lemons is because they help emulsify fats which is important for the body to get and use fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E and K.

#3 Blue Green Algae

Juicing for hypothyroidism and energy

There are many reasons why you want to use algaes like chlorella, spirulina, etc., in your juices and in your diet in general if you have hypothyroidism. One of the main reasons is that they are loaded with iodine, which is the best source to get it.

Spirulina is unique in that it contains iodine and the amino acid tyrosine. Thyroid hormones are derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine linked together with iodine.

T4 for example is tyrosine linked with 4 iodine.

T3 is tyrosine with 3 iodine.

Spirulina to me is a food that contains the raw materials the body uses to make thyroid hormones.

The best algae of them all is blue green algae

#4 Turmeric & Ashwaghanda

One of the things that made me feel the worst was inflammation. In fact, when I was gaining weight out of control, I remember feeling like the weight was not “normal” weight. It felt like I was hollow inside, like air was being pumped inside me…

It turns out that what I was experiencing was inflammation.

Adding turmeric and ashwaghanda to my drinks was one way I alleviated this.

Knowing this, I started making different juice recipes by combining some or all of these ingredients together. My go to is the first one which is simple… (all ingredients are organic and sourced from local farmer’s market whenever possible)

Juice Recipe #1

3 cucumbers
1 stalk of celery
1 bunch of parsley
2 lemons
1 green apple
2″ ginger root
Mint or basil for taste and extra chlorophyll

Juice Recipe #2

3 Medium-sized carrots (organic)
3 stalks of celery (organic)
1/2 beet root (organic)
1 tbsp spirulina
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ashwaghanda

Juice Recipe #3

1 cucumber
5 stalks of celery
5 carrots
1 cup coconut water
1 lemon (organic, juice only)
1 one inch of ginger root (organic)
1 tbsp spirulina
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ashwaghanda

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