An interesting statistic about hypothyroidism is that roughly 8 or 9 out of 10 people with low thyroid are women…

An even more interesting observation is how many women are using birth control as a way to get painless, cramp-free, regular periods…

The reason why this was fascinating to me was because I am a man, and most people I talked to about low thyroid to try to figure out how to get more energy and lose weight were women…

We would start by establishing the things we had in common that we were trying to get rid of…


Brain fog…

Poor sleep…

Puffy face…

I gained 40 lbs in a month and I couldn’t lose weight no matter what…

best thyroid supplement for hypothyroidism

I really wanted to know the best diet for weight loss if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis…

When I finally found what works, I found some interesting correlations between my fatigue, weight and fertility…

juicing for hypothyroidism and weight loss

Fertility was not even on my radar when I was looking for ways to lose weight…

… but when I started helping women with Hashimoto’s lose weight, birth control and cramp-free periods started to come up in conversations…

I’m really grateful for the women who’ve opened up to me to be sharing about a topic of this nature…

One of the first times it started to come up was in this success story interview with Henna… in this video she shares how she got more energy, improved her sleep, and around minute 21-23 she starts talking about the improvements in her cycle…

I had not thought about women cycles when teaching people how to get more energy and lose weight…

… but as I think about it more and more, the reason why many see improvements is because by improving hormone production they are improving fertility…

best thyroid support supplement

So now it starts to make sense why women who lower their fertility using birth control methods to try to lose weight, control acne, cramps, PCOS, mood swings, etc., will throw off their hormones which means they’ll either have to stay on birth control to mask the symptoms or get off birth control and suffer unless they fix their hormone imbalance…

I lost my period for 3+ years and now my cycles are normal

It can be frustrating not knowing how your body works and you are really trying everything you can to lose weight, but nothing seems to work…

The biggest problem is that the advice that’s out on the internet is pretty bad… it’s almost the opposite of what you should be doing…

If you keep reading something over and over, then it’s probably not good advice… it’s hard to accept that because it means that most people are wrong about this…

You’ll probably read out there that you need to go on a gluten-free diet, cut out processed foods, and get some iron, selenium and vitamin D3 supplements…

Going gluten-free and dairy-free is common advice…

Discernment is the most important thing to have in a world full of misinformation peppered all over the truth…

If you take time to understand why cutting out dairy being a good thing is both true and false, you will begin to understand what’s really going on with your body and how to improve your cycle… whether you lost your period or have heavy menstrual cycles, optimized hormone production and balance is the key to a normal pain-free cycle…

Does removing dairy help with Hashimoto’s and heavy menstrual cycles?

Why is dairy bad for you?

… Is dairy bad for you?

The answer is that it depends…

Dairy has nutrients and raw materials that help your body produce and balance hormones…

The problem is that not all dairy is created equal…

It starts out by understanding that there are different breeds of cows… newer breeds are not the same as traditional dairy cows… basically, the dairy cows that your grandma & great grandma grew up with are not the same as the modern day breeds…

You can still find the old breeds, but you won’t find their milk sold at grocery stores…

This is the second problem…

There are stupid rules around the food that’s sold at grocery stores which turns healthy food into bad dead food…

In order for milk to be good for you, it needs to come from a cow that’s pasture raised, 100% grass-fed… in other words, it needs to be a healthy cow…

A healthy cow produces healthy milk…

Healthy milk is milk that is full of probiotics, which are the friendly bacteria that will digest milk and turn the nutrients into hormones…

The problem is that there are farmers who raise new breeds of cows, and don’t feed them properly so their milk is not healthy milk… their milk is likely to have bad bacteria…

The solution they have in place is stupid because to them they think that just by pasteurizing milk to kill bad bacteria is a good solution… it’s not… you are still drinking milk that’s coming from an unhealthy cow…

Pasteurizing milk is not the solution to turn bad milk into good milk… pasteurizing milk does not turn bad milk into good milk… it just makes bad milk, less bad, but it’s still bad milk…

This is why removing dairy from your diet does indeed help people with Hashimoto’s… not because milk is bad for you, but because you are removing bad milk from your diet…

So it’s not that removing dairy helps, it’s removing bad food that helps…

Once this clicks for people and they understand the difference between real food VS fake food, they start to seek out real food and start to notice a huge difference in their energy levels and all of the sudden find losing weight to be almost effortless…

I realize that a lot of the information I share here is counter culture… but it’s what works and it’s what I share with my closest friends in real life…

When my friends ask me what is the best thyroid supplement for Hashimoto’s, my answer is that the goal should be to not need supplements…

Is it possible?

I believe so…

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Join our Facebook group and download our Energy & Fat Loss Blueprint to learn how to get more energy and lose weight…

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