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Roadblocks Working Against Your Hormone Production!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Cabin”]One of the most common issues people come across when they try to duplicate my results is the heavy detox experience…

Here’s what it looks like…[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Cabin”]#1 – Doing a 5 day fast, may be too aggressive for you which means you may have to start with intermittent fasting and a gut healing diet to build up your immune system so you have the strength to fight against toxins in your body…

Here’s what I experienced…

When I did my juice fast, I understood that my body was breaking down fat… I also understood that body fat is the way the body stores up toxins that it can’t get rid of…

So when you are fasting what is happening is that the body is breaking down fat and re-releasing toxins into your body…

Read that carefully… your body goes from being toxic, but protected with body fat (so you don’t feel it as much) to breaking down body fat which makes it so now you are being exposed to these toxins that were ALREADY in your body…

It’s a good thing to get rid of toxins in your body!! It sets the foundation to true Energy & Fat Loss…

… but you will experience turbulence…

You will feel these toxins as your body is getting rid of them.

These toxins are what make you feel fatigued, give you headaches, migraines, make you nauseaous… body fat also makes your body more conducive to hosting bad bacteria in your gut so it’s a vicious cycle you have to fight off and get through…

… so the important lesson here is to understand that you will go through turbulence, and I can’t tell you how long or how often to fast. I just know that I experienced something similar and pushed through by drinking a lot of liquids and doing it during days that I didn’t have to move much and could relax… even nap a lot and sleep through it if needed.

I also know from experience that fasting only gets easier and easier.

#2 – A lot of the toxins in your body are created by your gut when you have bad bacteria. These toxins are called endotoxins… endo meaning they come from within…

So you could be eating right, healthy foods and all, but if your gut is damaged… if you have bad bacteria in your gut, then your body will still produce toxic byproducts and it won’t digest food properly for you… especially hard to digest foods like gluten.

That’s why a lot of people feel better when they cut out dairy, gluten, etc… because their bodies can’t digest them… think of fasting as “abstaining from”…

You can fast from red meat

You can fast from dairy

You can fast from grains

You can fast from sugar

You can fast from caffeine

In fact those are the major food groups that cause hormone imbalances when you have gut issues or when you eat them at the wrong time like caffeine after 2 pm…

Notice how everything points back to healing your gut.

Low vitamin D is directly correlated with poor gut health… so boosting vitamin D improves gut health.

Fasting is one of the best tools to improve gut health…

Eating gut healing foods obviously improves gut health.

So now you understand what hormone jumpstart is about.

#1 Fast to give your gut a chance to heal itself

#2 Ketogenic for vitamin D supplementation

#3 Gut healing foods to aid your gut in healing itself.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Cabin”]What if I have high cholesterol?

It’s important to understand the root cause of your Thyroid issues… some people have had their thyroids removed, that’s a root cause… others have low vitamin D, that’s a root cause… and there’s some that have high cholesterol, which is another root cause…

If you have high cholesterol already, that represents a challenge that others won’t face…

There’s a dilemma… how do you produce more hormones if adding more cholesterol to your diet seems counter intuitive?

Well… first off… a reminder that I’m not a doctor and can’t tell you what to do…

… but what I have found from meeting people who face this challenge is just an extra step…

Go through the program Hypothyroidism Revolution which focuses on this particular issue…

Thank you for reading… can’t wait to hear about your success story!![/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Cabin”]Here are some recipes that can get you started:[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Cabin”]Much Love![/text_block]

– “Hip Hip” Jorge