
A Success Story… Part 3

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Georgia”]Now we’re getting into the good stuff…

People ask me all the time, what did I do to go from feeling tired all the time, gaining weight non stop…

Looking like this…[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Georgia”]… to being able to lose weight again (finally)…

Clearing my brain fog…

Able to enjoy food again…

… and having so much energy I was able to run Obstacle Course Races that were up to 13 mile runs with obstacles that required a TON of energy to complete…[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Georgia”]It’s simple…

It’s a little formula which I now share openly with pretty much all of my friends as a formula for great overall health…

This isn’t for hypothyroidism…

This is for what I now think of as a change in lifestyle…

I began to make changes in my lifestyle so that I’d feel more energized, more productive… basically feel like the best version of myself…

… and I started with one step at a time…

The first 3 changes developed into the perfect trifecta that is the core of a program I developed called “Hormone Jumpstart”… which was my way of kickstarting my hormone production and balancing my hormones…

Here’s the formula I used…

Intermittent Fasting with Green Juice + Probiotics + Vitamin D = Hormone Jumpstart

Intermittent fasting and green juice combined is what I use everyday to clean my gut and help create an environment for good bacteria (probiotics) to thrive…

That would pave the way for the most important Vitamin your body needs to produce hormones, including thyroid hormone…

That vitamin is Vitamin D…

I was shocked that no doctor I ever talked to ever asked me about my vitamin D levels…

Worse, some don’t seem to care or even think it’s important…[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Georgia”]Personally, my levels were at 22 ng/dL which means they were low!!

I needed to be at least at 55 ng/dL… but that’s an advanced topic…

The first step really is to wipe the slate clean…

… and it’s simple…

Intermittent fasting with green juice…

I literally wake up and instead of eating breakfast, I drink green juice…

… and many people ask me “does that fill you up?”

… errr…

It’s not supposed to fill you up…

There’s a difference between being full and being nourished…

You can eat a ton of junk food, but that doesn’t mean you are nourished… that doesn’t mean your body is getting the nutrients it needs…

You can have an empty stomach, and yet be fully nourished and getting all the nutrients you need…

… but even that isn’t the point…

The point is that intermittent fasting was a tool I used to improve my digestion… to optimize my digestive system so that I could break down protein…

If you are interested in learning more about intermittent fasting and everything I did to get my energy back and lose weight, I host fasting workshops where I walk people through fasting…

It’s usually helpful when you do this with a group of people so you know you’re not the only one going through this and you can see results from others who decide to enough is enough and like me are willing to do what needs to be done so that you can take control of your health…

If you’re interested go to the next page to check when the next available workshop is taking place…[/text_block]


– “Hip Hip” Jorge