There is No Need for Thyroid Supplements When You Eat Foods that Have the Nutrients You Get from Supplements...

Have you ever been told that low thyroid means an iodine deficiency?

If that were true, then simply taking iodine should fix it right?

... but that's not the case...

In 1924, a marketing campaign was launched to introduce iodized salt into the marketplace... 

The premise was that an iodine deficiency was causing all sorts of havoc on the thyroid, and people needed to supplement with iodine, yadda yadda... 

They were successful in convincing people that iodized salt was good and natural sea salt was bad... 

They did this by forcing sea salt to be labeled as "this salt does not supply iodide, a necessary nutrient"...

They emphasized that iodized salt included the mineral iodine, but neglected to mention that it was artificially added and that they removed all the other minerals that you need for energy and hormone production...

Removing minerals from salt seems quite suspect when you understand that...

The purpose of supplements is to address mineral deficiencies...

If you want to get more energy, you need minerals like zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium...

It's what a thyroid specialist will likely recommend on top of other thyroid supplements... 

These are just a few of the minerals that your body needs to digest food, produce energy and lose weight...

If the food you are eating is devoid of these minerals, then your body will not be able to produce energy...

If your body is not able to produce energy, then it loses the ability to burn fat...

Minerals are needed for the body to produce energy and lose weight...

... and more!

Minerals are needed for many body functions including hormone production... 

Minerals are needed for proper hydration... without hydration, you get gas, bloating, or constipation...

Minerals are also needed for your body to regulate blood pressure...

This is quite an interesting dilemma because here's what happens...

If you need minerals to regulate blood pressure, what do you think happens if you consume nothing but table salt (iodized salt devoid of all minerals except iodine, sodium and chloride)?

Well, without the 82 trace minerals typically found in regular sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, your body will eventually start to struggle to regulate blood pressure...

What happens next is that people go to see a doctor and they are told that salt is bad for them and they need to cut it out... 

This is a half truth... true that iodized salt is bad for you and needs to be removed from your diet because it lacks the minerals your body needs...

They make no mention of the difference between iodized salt and mineralized salt...

If you try to look this up online, you'll see results asserting that iodized salt is safe and that there is no difference between iodized salt and salts that are left untouched in their natural form with all trace minerals including zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, etc...

If you are under the impression that salt is bad for you, then that could keep you from getting more energy and losing weight...

Iodized salt is bad...

Naturally mineralized salt is good...


Because you need all 82+ trace minerals found in salt to get more energy!

If you can see through this lie that iodized salt is better than unrefined naturally mineralized sea salt with no additives, then you will start to see why choosing the right foods is everything you need to get more energy and lose weight...

You will start to understand the three simple things I shared with all the hypothyroidism success stories you'll find on this site...

There is no need for supplements when you eat the right foods...

The right foods are foods that contain the minerals and nutrients you would get from supplements...

If you get minerals from food, you don't need supplements... If you don't need supplements, then you don't need doctors who want you to supplement for life..., including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. The information on this site has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The information on this website is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease. We are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. You are responsible for any actions you take regarding your health and medical care.
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