Why a Thyroid Specialist can't help you get more energy & lose weight

When I first started going to see a doctor, I was under the impression that they would know more about health than I did...

The problem was that all they could tell me was that I was going to have to take hormones for the rest of my life...

They wanted me to be a "client for life"... 

To them, a patient cured is a client lost...

This starts to make more sense when you understand that doctors don't study health...

Doctors study disease and how to prescribe

It's almost as if their goal is to put you on medication...

My goal was to not depend on medication...

Your health and hormone production depend primarily on the foods you eat...

This isn't the main topic covered in medical school... which is why many doctors will say that the foods you eat have nothing to do with your thyroid...

I then started researching foods for hormone production and found that those foods were missing in my diet...

When I had this realization, I started seeking out health professionals who actually studied health and nutrition...

I started to pay attention to their own results...

Here I was trying to lose weight, and yet the doctors I was seeing were also overweight...

That's when I started seeking out thyroid specialists and functional medicine practitioners...

At first, I thought I was about crack the code because they did actually start talking to me about gut health and importance of diet for hormone production...

... but then things took a turn... 

In order to work with them I was going to have to pay upwards of $7,000 to $9,000...

Then on top of that, they were going to have me go through expensive lab testing that was not covered by insurance... and put me on all kinds of supplements from zinc, selenium, iron and a dozen others that would cost $300+ a month...

I didn't want to replace taking hormones with taking supplements...

This was a deciding point in my life...

I can't tell anyone to stop going to their doctor... 

Hear me clearly...

I'm not suggesting you stop seeking professional advice...

... but if you want to know how I became a hypothyroidism success story... and how I was able to get more energy & lose weight... 

Then know that I simply decided to take full responsibility for my own health... 

I started learning about health and nutrition myself...

I decided to become my own doctor

It was much easier than I thought... definitely more cost effective...

My goal was to take myself off of supplements and to get more energy & lose weight...

There is no need for supplements when you eat foods that contain the nutrients they want you to supplement...

Why would I want to become my own doctor? 


If I don't need supplements then I don't need doctors trying to get me to supplement for life...

HypothyroidismSuccessStory.com, including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. The information on this site has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The information on this website is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease. We are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. You are responsible for any actions you take regarding your health and medical care.
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