
Finding The Root Cause…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Georgia”]I have a good friend of mine to happens to be a doctor…

I asked him…

“What can you tell me about hypothyroidism”…

His reply?

“If you have hypothyroidism, they’ll put you on thyroid hormones for the rest of your life”…

… just like that…

It felt like a canned response…

All I wanted at this point was to get my energy back… and stop gaining weight!

… and stop losing my hair…

I was depressed…

Nothing was working for me…

I had tried different diets, supplements and I was still waking up tired like I hadn’t slept all night…

Didn’t have energy to do simple daily tasks like doing my dishes…

I was outgrowing my clothes faster than a new born baby…

The turning point for me started when I began to find people who had become hypothyroidism success stories…

I was excited when I came across Dr Izabella Wentz, author of the book Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause

She put together a documentary called The Thyroid Secret…[/text_block]

A 34-Year-Old Rebel Pharmacist Reveals Why You’re Overweight, Tired, Depressed and Anxious and Why The Food You Eat Is Slowly Killing You.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Georgia”]After watching this documentary I was in awe about all the different ways you can become hypothyroid…

… and why only a few people know about this…

Why are some people able to get their energy back and lose weight?

The documentary explains this in more detail, but here’s an example…

Did you know that the thyroid produces mostly the inactive form of thyroid hormone “T4″…

… and it’s the liver that converts it into the active form “T3″…

Some people have trouble with this conversion, and they tend to feel worse if they take only T4 because their liver is unable to convert it into T3…

… and that’s why they do well when take both T4 and T3…

Other people like those who’ve had their thyroid removed may not need T3…

Just T4…

So it’s important to know YOUR root cause and the documentary walks you through how to find yours…

Once you have that part figured out, you can begin to tweak your diet and find the right supplements that give you energy and help you lose weight…

Do you know what the #1 change I made that helped me lose weight?

It’s not exactly a diet…

Can you guess?

Click continue to read the answer on the next page…[/text_block]


– “Hip Hip” Jorge