Hormone Jumpstart


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Cabin”]My gut was bubbling as I drove home from dinner with friends. I felt bloated and really needed to fart… lol…

I’d been experiencing digestive issues which were getting progressively worse. This time it was “just a salad” that made me feel this way. It seemed like no matter what I ate, my gut wouldn’t like it… (and I’d gain weight…)

I drove home early because I was fatigued and even though I was tired, I knew I’d have a hard time falling asleep that night.

Why was I experiencing that?

Why would I wake up as if I hadn’t slept at all, but have a hard time falling asleep at night??

… and what was the connection between my thyroid, my digestive issues, my sleep issues, depression, anxiety, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain and who knows what else??

I started asking myself these questions with the full faith of “seek and you shall find”…

The answer didn’t come to me right away, but here’s how it happened.

I went to bed, my muscles were weak and numb kind of like when you have a bad cold and can’t get out of bed… hoping that tomorrow wouldn’t be worse…

One day, I woke up and I was lathering up my hair in the shower and I felt a weird texture on my hands…

I had hair all over my hands… there was hair on the shower curtain, the walls, the bathtub, everywhere!!

My hair had been thinning, breaking off and falling, but this was extreme and I resolved to figure out why I was feeling like crap all the time.

I had been researching my hypothyroidism symptoms, and for the longest time my entire focus was on my thyroid…

I thought my thyroid was the reason why I was gaining weight, feeling fatigued, losing my hair, getting dry skin, brittle nails, brain fog, muscle aches, among other things…

That’s how most people with hypothyroidism THINK… they focus solely on their thyroid.

Sure, the thyroid is part of it, but it turns out it is mostly a distraction… it’s only a small part of what’s really wrong…

It’s not the first tipped domino sort of speak… it’s way down the line… something else tipped first and that was my first big epiphany!

Like most people I was trying to get my thyroid to work not realizing that in order to get my thyroid hormones in balance I had to get ALL of my hormones in balance.

The one hormone causing most of the imbalance was the stress hormone cortisol.

So I started to learn how the stress hormone cortisol makes your hair thin, break & fall off… makes it hard to sleep… gives you brain fog… low testosterone… creates estrogen imbalance (and PMS symptoms in women)…

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