If You Have Hypothyroidism Coupled With Low Vitamin D, High Cholesterol or High Blood Pressure Then You Must Learn About The #1 Fat To Avoid in Your Diet…

(… and what fats to eat instead)

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]I was talking to my friend who is a doctor and I asked him about hypothyroidism.

He said “if you have hypothyroidism, you have to take hormones for the rest of your life. There is nothing you can do about it”

That hit me like a load of bricks and I just couldn’t accept that as my faith.

So I started asking questions…

Why do I have to take hormones?

The only answer they gave me was that hypothyroidism was an underactive thyroid condition…

… but they don’t tell you exactly what that means… let alone tell you WHY your thyroid is underactive.

Through my research I discovered that it’s not always the thyroid that we have to fix…

Sometimes, doing this little switch in your diet can be the answer to have more energy, be able to lose weight again, clear up the brain fog and more…

That’s why I put together this series of emails.

As easy as it would be for me to believe that they have some conspiracy going on, truth is that some doctors are simply misinformed…

That means you have to take on the responsibility to educate yourself or you’ll live the rest of your life believing that your thyroid is to blame…

Here’s the deal…

As I started to research, my first question was, if my thyroid is underactive, does that mean that it’s not producing hormones?

Again, doctors weren’t able to tell me…

All they kept telling me was that I needed to take their hormones.

… but I just didn’t want to give in without understanding and knowing for sure this was the best solution for me as I’d seen many struggle and sometimes feel worse by going that route…

… and because they couldn’t tell me what taking their hormones would do to my body (they simply said they’d have to “supervise me”.)

So I started researching and found out that many people with hypothyroidism (especially Hashimoto’s) have low Vitamin D.

Vitamin D seems to be directly correlated to your immune system…


Low Vitamin D = Weak protection against autoimmune diseases

High Vitamin D = Strong protection against autoimmune diseases

You can do a quick Google search to verify this information…

Simply do a Google search on “Vitamin D autoimmune”… and you’ll get results like these:[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]When you go through these articles you begin to see the crucial role that vitamin D plays with autoimmune diseases.

This is what got me asking questions about how this was linked to hypothyroidism…

See, you should be testing your Vitamin D levels and test for Thyroid Globulin Anti-Bodies.

My question was, why aren’t we being tested for this?

Worse, why do some doctors not seem to care or think it’s important?[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]… and the answer I found is basically because to most doctors the results don’t change their solution…

In other words, regardless of what these tests say, their solution is pretty much always the same “here, take these hormones”.

… but to me, it was worth my time to look into vitamin D further.

Unfortunately, if you have low vitamin D, it’s not as easy as just taking supplements…

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning it dissolves in fat…

… and if you want to get technical, vitamin D is actually a HORMONE!

This is exactly why I started learning about fats in our diets, with the goal of increasing and balancing all hormones…

When I did my test, I found out, I was at 22 ng/mL… and you should be closer to 50 ng/mL

There were two main factors I learned about when it comes to raising vitamin D levels.

You must eat more healthy fats like coconut oil and you must avoid at all costs bad fats like polyunsaturated fats.

I just sent you an email where you can learn more about Dietary fats, what they do and how they can help or hurt you.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]Simply open the email, click on “Confirm My Subscription” and you’ll be instantly redirected to “Dietary Fats, What They Do, And How They Can Help Or Hurt Your Thyroid Health”
