Dietary Fats, What They Do, And How They Can Help Or Hurt Your Thyroid Health

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]Before I started on my journey , I used to eat pretty much anything.

My list of “bad foods” was short…

Pretty much anything other than twinkies was fair game…

I mean they wouldn’t sell it if it wasn’t good for you right?

… but as I’ve become more educated on the topic of health and diet, and how our bodies work, I’ve discovered that the foods you eat, the type, and time at which you eat have a lot to do with how healthy you are (or are not)…

Fats is just one aspect/perspective.

Here’s the first thing you need to know about fats…

There are two types of fats you have to be aware of.

Omega-3 and omega-6….

The role of Omega-6 is to help your cells grow.

As your cells grow, they rip and tear and get damaged much like muscle does after a work out.

The role of omega-3 fatty acids is to REPAIR the damage created during cell growth…

So the big takeaway here is this…

If you eat more omega-6 than you eat omega-3 you will have damaged cells, and we call that “aging”.

Remember how I was aging?

Started by losing a little bit of hair, losing energy, started gaining weight, basically what I thought would be normal as I aged?

Too much omega-6 in your diet means you won’t have enough omega-3 to keep up with the cell growth and REGENERATION of your body… your cells will therefore grow, but will be damaged…

So ask yourself this question…

Are you regenerating healthy cells or damaged cells?

This video illustrates this point better.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]So here’s what you need to know about which fats to avoid and which to add to your diet…

Let’s start with:

Saturated fats

Imagine a castle with a fortress on the north, east, south and west side of the castle…

Basically all four sides protected.

There are warriors “guarding” the castle so it’s not easy to go in and “destroy” it.

That’s in essence what saturated fats are. They are “guarded” by hydrogen and therefore don’t go rancid (“get destroyed”) even when heated for cooking purposes.

An example of saturated fat is coconut oil…

Monounsaturated fat

So take the same castle, but let’s suppose that instead of having all four sides of the fortress guarded, it only has 3 so it’s a bit more vulnerable…

… but it’s still strong enough to where it doesn’t get “destroyed” easily. At least it puts on a good fight.

Much like saturated fats, they are fairly stable and strong and can go into battle cooking food, but they won’t be as strong as saturated fats, which is why I personally prefer to cook with coconut oil over other oils.

Some examples of monounsaturated fats include olive oil, almond oil, pecan oil, avocado oil, etc.

… and finally:

Polyunsaturated fat

Also known as PUFA’s, these are the most vulnerable, and what you must avoid at all costs!

Here’s why… take the same fortress, but now this kingdom is so focused on growth, that it takes some of the guards and puts them out on the field to work the land instead…

… because of lack of man power, only the front door is guarded, and it can be attacked from the sides or the rear.

These fats become highly unstable.

They oxidize and go rancid easily especially if subjected to heat, oxygen, and moisture.

… and you know what’s scary about these fats?

They are loaded with Omega-6’s and have very little Omega-3’s.

… and they are almost everywhere!!!

Without knowing this, they are hidden!

Go to your kitchen or even a health food store and read the food labels and you’ll notice 80-90% of food is using these oils!!

Scary because it AWAKENS you and gets you to ask the question “most food at supermarkets is bad for you… what do I eat?”

We’ll take on that topic later, but here’s the deal: I used to eat out all the time, unaware that most restaurants also use these oils.

Many people believe polyunsaturated fats are good and that saturated fats & monounsaturated fats are bad… what a dichotomy!

So start looking at the foods you buy at the store and look for these polyunsaturated oils…

They are vegetable oils derived from soy, corn, safflower and canola oil.

… and I can see why people think they are “healthy” and it’s because they are called “vegetable” oils and vegetables are good for you right?

Vegetables, yes…

Vegetable oils like these polyunsaturated oils, no…

Now here’s where we begin to tie all this together…

Going back to our topic of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a Fat Soluble vitamin. Meaning it dissolves in fat… oils…

Now, knowing what you know now… do you think vitamin D will be stored in your body better if it dissolves in a stable fat like saturated fats or polyunsaturated fats?

Would you want to store your gold in a castle protected by a fortress on all sides or just the front door?

Think about it…

… and in the meantime, here’s a challenge for you.

Unlike other programs or information sources that just feed you information, we at hypothyroidism success story are all about taking action and moving closer to a life full of energy, lean & healthy bodies with clear minds.

To do so, you have to participate.

If you haven’t done so already, you must go and get your vitamin D levels checked.

Later down the road, if you are subscribed to my email newsletter or decide to participate on one of our programs, this will not be optional, meaning you will not be allowed to continue until you do this.

Think of it as a checklist… like building a house, you don’t build the walls before you lay the foundation…

In our program, you don’t get energy before you add foods that help increase vitamin D and eliminate foods that lower your vitamin D.

… and if your vitamin D levels are good (40-50 ng/mL or more…), but you’re still fatigued and gaining weight, don’t worry, I’ll get to ya when we start talking about gut health…

That being said, I want to thank you for subscribing to our email newsletter and you should have received by now the first installment of our hypothyroidism success story newsletter.

The subject line is “Food For Thyroid”.
