Why Supplements and "Nutrition Programs" Don't Work...

The most important thing to know about the 3 steps I'm about to share with you to get more energy is what they do...

These 3 steps all work together to create an environment for probiotics to grow...

Why is this important?

... because probiotics are what digest food for you...

Think about this for a second: food is supposed to give you energy... isn't it?

The process to get more energy is rather simple...

Eat food > digest food > deliver nutrients to cells > get energy

Digesting food is where a lot of people get stuck...

If you get gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea after eating, then proper digestion is the broken link...

You have to start looking into what is keeping your body from breaking down (digesting) the food you eat into key nutrients and vitamins...

Food digestion needs the right environment

Probiotics will digest food for you if you have the right environment... 

What is the right environment?

Simple... look at nature... notice how a tree takes nutrients from the soil to feed itself and grow... 

Probiotics live in your gut, just like they live at the root system of a tree... The root system of a tree works the same way as your gut...

In order to digest food, turn it into nutrients and get energy, you need to think about the same things you would do when trying to grow a tree:

- Water

- Minerals

- the proper pH

- the right temperature

- feeding probiotics

If you don't water a tree, the leaves will start to turn brown and eventually fall off... 

If the temperature is too cold, leaves will also turn brown and fall off...

If the soil is too acidic or too alkaline, the tree will start to wilt...

Your body is no different... if you don't hydrate properly you will start to experience digestive issues and you won't get the nutrients your body needs to grow healthy things like your hair, skin & nails...

If your body temperature drops, you will start to experience the same issues... dry skin, brittle nails, hair thinning or hair loss...

If your body becomes too acidic or too alkaline, then it will start to "wilt"... 

I personally felt miserable when this happened to me...

The brain fog was the worst... felt tired all the time and had no energy to do anything... it felt like my body was dead, but it hadn't gotten the message yet...

The right environment grows probiotics, but the wrong environment grows bad bacteria...

When I ask people what they are doing to get more energy I get all kinds of answers like...

"I try to eat healthy"

"I eat gluten-free"

"I eat dairy-free"

"I cut out sugar"

"I eat organic"

... but as you will see no "nutrition program" will work for you if you don't have the right environment in your gut... 

Imagine cooking a meal and then realizing you don't have any clean dishes to serve up your meal... you look over at your kitchen sink and see a pile of dirty dishes with food still stuck from the previous day...

You wouldn't take a dirty dish and serve up your freshly cooked meal on that dirty dish would you?

I hope your answer is "no"... 

... but if your gut is toxic, then that's exactly what you are doing...

If your gut is toxic, it means that it's dirty... it means there is likely food left undigested from the previous day (or days in many cases)...

Suppose you are doing everything you are being told to do by health professionals... you are going on a "nutrition program", cutting out bad foods and taking a handful of supplements... can you see why it doesn't matter how healthy you eat if the food is going into a toxic environment in your gut?

A toxic environment gives growth to all sorts of bad bacteria, wild yeast (like yeast candida), mold, parasites, etc.

It doesn't matter how healthy you try to eat at this point, because when you eat, you feed your gut flora, which includes both the probiotics that gives you energy and the bad bacteria (if your gut is toxic)...

Bad bacteria is what drains your energy...

Probiotics digest food for you and turn it into the key nutrients and vitamins your body needs to get energy... you know if probiotics are digesting food for you when you have regular bowel movements and feel energy after eating...

Taking probiotics doesn't help if your gut is toxic... probiotics need the right environment to grow... the right environment grows probiotics, but the wrong environment grows bad bacteria...

If you feel like taking a nap after eating, or get gas and bloating that makes you feel like your pants shrink as the day goes on, then that's a sign that your gut is toxic and every time you eat you are feeding bad bacteria in your gut... 

This is especially true if you are constantly constipated or get diarrhea, then the environment in your gut is toxic and that's why no supplement or "nutrition program" that you try will ever work...

The key is to create the right environment for probiotics to grow... 

Creating an environment for probiotics to grow is the most effective way to get more energy...

That's what you're about to learn with the 3 steps I'm about to share with you on the next page...

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