Health Transformation Tribe

First Challenge

What's Your WHY?

Before getting started on my journey to transform my health I knew I needed to do one thing...

I needed to build up my "Belief" that I could improve my health...

That I could do something about my health...

This first challenge is about mindset...

The road to improving your health is long... tough... and full of traps that could easily bring you back to your old ways and back to where you started...

This is what I call "zuccess"

I think of it like a language, but that's a story for another day...

Let's just get to it and apply this

Conquer The Morning, Conquer The Day

Step #1 - Get very clear on your WHY

Having a reason why is the fuel that gets you off the ground when you struggle to believe you can achieve a goal...

Here's how I came up with mine

(This is part of what helped me create my success story so take your time going through this process)

I knew I wanted to get more energy

... among other things like fat loss, brain fog, anxiety, hair loss, etc.

... but I focused on one thing... 

The one thing that was most important to me...


Then I defined the outcome I wanted with as much detail as possible...

I painted a clear picture in my mind of what it would look like once I got the energy levels I wanted...

So instead of saying "I want more energy"

I got more specific...

So ask yourself 

"What does it look like once you achieve your outcome?"

For me, the way it looked like once I got more energy was that I could actually get off the couch and do something active...

Just visualizing myself having energy to get off the couch was a start...

... but again... 

The goal of this challenge is to paint a clear picture of what you actually want...

Getting off the couch was just one step for me...

What I really wanted was to


Mountain Bike



So write down in detail what your WHY is...

It should look like this...

"I'm looking to transform my health so I can wake up and have energy. So I can be healthy and vital. I am willing to do whatever it takes to have the energy to go hiking, paddleboarding, snowboarding, mountain biking and live an active lifestyle"

So that's your first challenge...

Step #1 - Watch video below to understand how this process works

Step #2 - Click the "Send to Messenger" button below to send me a message letting me know that you've completed this challenge...