Growing Healthy Probiotics in Your Gut is the Most Effective Way to Get More Energy, Sleep Better, and Feel Better...

Here's why I stopped going to see doctors...

It wasn't because they told me that I was going to have to take hormones for the rest of my life... or that they were trying to get me to take all kinds of supplements... or that I was going broke with all the labs they wanted me to get...

It was actually because they never once mentioned that energy production is the same as hormone production...

It's almost like they don't want to talk about hormone production or in many cases they themselves don't know...

This is how I had my breakthrough...

I was researching how the body gets energy and it turns out that in order to get energy, you need to have healthy probiotics living in your gut... 

They are the ones that digest the food you eat and convert it into energy that the body can use... you can look this up and you will find that your gut flora plays a big role in hormone production...

When I learned this I was shocked, because I was not supposed to be a "health guru."

My background is actually in brewing beer... and it just so happens that learning fermentation taught me how to grow probiotics...

The moment I realized that the probiotics that live in your gut are the same probiotics we use to ferment foods and beverages like beer, wine, kombucha, sauerkraut, yogurt, etc., everything changed for me...

... because that's when I realized that I knew how to grow probiotics to get more energy and it had nothing to do with going on some "nutrition program" or taking supplements...

It's crazy to think that I learned this from brewing beer, and not from health professionals... it was all about creating an environment in your gut for probiotics to grow much like I would create an environment when fermenting grains or other foods... 

That's how I came across these...

... 3 Simple Steps to Get More Energy...

... because once I understood that my ability to get more energy depended on the environment I created in my gut, then it was simply a matter of working at it... 

The environment you create in your gut is something only you have control over... you decide what you put into your body day in and day out... 

Every bite, every drink... everything you consume affects the environment in your gut... so your lifestyle is what stands between you having no energy and having energy that lasts all day without relying on supplements or "nutrition programs" that don't work...

What affects the environment in your gut the most are:

#1 Hydration

#2 Quality of Sleep

#3 Nourishment

Most people make the mistake of thinking that hydration is just a matter of drinking more water... but that's not how it works...

When brewing, I used to add minerals to my water because without minerals, I couldn't digest grains and convert starch into sugar... 

That's when I realized that if the water I drank didn't have the right minerals, then I wouldn't be able to digest the food I ate... 

Suddenly it became crystal clear why I was experiencing gas, bloating and constipation...

It became clear why I was having digestive issues... why my body wasn't breaking down foods and turning them into vitamins and hormones...

As soon as I started adding the right minerals to my water by combining minerals from crystal stones for SOLE and ionic magnesium, I noticed a huge improvement in my digestion...

I used to toss and turn all night... didn't realize that I was deficient in nutrients like vitamin D... or that I was eating foods that affected my sleep... 

Most people make the mistake of taking vitamin D supplements that actually makes their sleep worse... if you take a vitamin D supplement that requires you to dose a certain amount of IU's (like 3,000 or 5,000 IU's), then chances are you are not seeing real improvements in your sleep... 

That's because probiotics are what make vitamins for you through fermentation... which is why you'll see our success stories rave about things like fermented cod liver oil & butter oil... like Sylvia...

That's what this is about... 

If you want to get more energy, then learning how to grow probiotics is the only thing you need to know... 

... and when you learn how to do this, you'll understand why it's not about going on "nutrition programs" or taking supplements... 

You won't have to cut out things like sugar, gluten, dairy or limit your food choices... 

You won't need coffee to survive, and you also don't have to quit drinking coffee as long as you learn about coffee that's good for probiotics... (hint: look into coffee that's been fermented... it's the best tasting cup of Joe you'll ever have!)

When you grow healthy probiotics, you will find supplements to be unnecessary and, in many cases, counterproductive... there will be no need to get expensive labs or rely on health professionals for you to have energy that lasts all day and feel good in your body...

You can start by following these 3 simple steps to create an environment in your gut to grow healthy probiotics in your gut...

Again, the 3 steps are:

#1 improve your hydration...

#2 improve your sleep...

#3 improve your nourishment... 

I want to share with you how to do this so you get more energy, sleep better and fell better...

It really is that simple!

... but you have to know the right order in which to do these things... (i.e. you can't just take fermented cod liver oil without doing the minerals first, because it won't work as well)...

When you do this the right way, you will see the same kind of results you see on this website...

So now that you have all the details you need, the question is... are you ready to become a hypothyroidism success story? 

If so, then we want to walk you through these 3 steps over the course of the next few days with our free e-Course (delivered via email)... 

We don't sell supplements and you don't have to buy anything from us to get results... all that we ask is that if you get results, that you share your success story to help others who are desperately seeking for a way to get their life back and stop feeling tired all the time...

Inside, you'll learn...

- how to improve your digestion so that you can eat foods without getting gas, bloating or constipation...

- how to improve your sleep so that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go...

- how to improve your nourishment so you are not constantly craving sweets or salty foods... and feel energy rather than tired after a meal...

... and more...

Simply fill out the form below and I'll see you on the other side..., including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. The information on this site has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The information on this website is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease. We are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. You are responsible for any actions you take regarding your health and medical care.
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